Unable to Register Host to j1900 processor computers.
did the change.
FOGFTP: Failed to rename file. Remote Path: //var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/bzImage32/backup/bzImage32_20160204_154255, Local Path: /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/bzImage32, Error: ftp_rename(): Rename failed.
is now what I’m getting.
@Fabreazy That’s credentials related I think. Can you double check all of the things listed in the credentials section of the “Troubleshoot FTP” wiki article?
@Fabreazy They don’t look the same to me.
The storageftppass is clearly 32 characters long. I don’t see 32 dots for your storage node password, nor do I see 32 dots for the FOG_TFTP_FTP_Password. And I bet the local FOG user doesn’t have the storageftppass set right either.
@Fabreazy weird… let’s check permissions?
ls -lahRt /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe
@Fabreazy Looking at your error again,
FOGFTP: Failed to rename file. Remote Path: //var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/bzImage32/backup/bzImage32_20160204_154255, Local Path: /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/bzImage32, Error: ftp_rename(): Rename failed.
See what it’s trying to rename?
/bzImage32_20160204_154255Can you make sure this file is there? I wonder if that is an old file it’s bringing back in, or if that’s where the new file gets temporarily placed? Not sure, haven’t looked at the source for it.
it looks like bzImage32 is a file and not a directory. Is it trying to write to the directory thats not there?
@Fabreazy I lost track of this issue but it was raised by another user and Tom just pushed a fix. Can you please update to the very latest version and see if kernel updating is working again? Sorry for the long delay.
@Fabreazy Any news on this? Please let us know.
Marking this solved as I am absolutely sure that using newer kernels will make this Intel i210 NIC work!