Unable to Register Host to j1900 processor computers.
The short answer is you will probably need to update the kernels from the sourceforge site. That is a pretty new NIC and I would bet the kernels that are delivered with 1.2.0 still won’t have the required driver. But your goal is to update the bzImage files to the latest kernel in the 3.19 series.
@Fabreazy George is absolutely right here! FOG 1.2.0 comes with kernel 3.15.6 but according to this http://cateee.net/lkddb/web-lkddb/IGB.html those I210 NICs are supported only since 3.16 and newer kernels.
One way would be to upgrade or setup a new system with FOG trunk https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/Upgrade_to_trunk
But you could also just try installing newer kernels in FOG 1.2.0. Should be easy doing this: FOG configuration -> Kernel updates
So I have ran into one last problem. Moving all the images over to the new server
I have followedcd /
sudo mkdir images2
sudo chmod 777 images2
sudo mount <ip_of_new_server>:/images /images2
sudo cp -r /images /images2then I get
cp: cannot created directory ‘/images2/images’ : Read-only file system.
I have tried " sudo chmod 77 on images " but still same error.
I have also done the same some on the new server images folder. unmouted and mounted directory.could it be that some of the images are not read and wright? if so how do would I change them?
I believe I have narrowed down that when I created /images2 it is not read wright. How do I create the directory not read only?
@Fabreazy In the future, when you have a new and different problem, please create a new and different thread, or post to one that has a very similar issue.
You wouldn’t use the new IP, that’d be attempting to mount the new server’s own images directory to it’s own self. Use the old server ip.
Also, you wouldn’t mount to the actual name of the new directory. You’d mount to a temporary directory, and then copy from it. You’re commands are all wrong. Try this:
cd / mkdir tempMount mkdir images mount x.x.x.x:/images /tempMount cd /tempMount cp -R *.* /images umount /tempMount
Where x.x.x.x is the old fog server’s IP, and these commands are being executed on the new fog server.
Getting this error when updating the kern.
FOGFTP: Login failed. Host:, Username: fog, Password: password, Error: ftp_login(): Login incorrect.
your help is greatly appreciated.
@Fabreazy said:
Getting this error when updating the kern.
FOGFTP: Login failed. Host:, Username: fog, Password: password, Error: ftp_login(): Login incorrect.
your help is greatly appreciated.
It’s most likely FTP credentials that need fixed. Look here:
https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php?title=Troubleshoot_FTP#Credentials_.2F_Passwords -
I belived I have all the users and pw correct now. But now a different error
FOGFTP: Failed to put file. Remote Path: /var/www/html/fogservice/ipxe/bzImage32, Local Path: /tmp/bzImage32, Error: ftp_put(): Could not create fil
@Fabreazy said:
I belived I have all the users and pw correct now. But now a different error
FOGFTP: Failed to put file. Remote Path: /var/www/html/fogservice/ipxe/bzImage32, Local Path: /tmp/bzImage32, Error: ftp_put(): Could not create fil
You’re missing a slash.
Inside of:
Web Interface -> FOG Configuration -> FOG Settings -> TFTP Server -> FOG_TFTP_PXE_KERNEL_DIR
You have this:
You should have this:
did the change.
FOGFTP: Failed to rename file. Remote Path: //var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/bzImage32/backup/bzImage32_20160204_154255, Local Path: /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/bzImage32, Error: ftp_rename(): Rename failed.
is now what I’m getting.
@Fabreazy That’s credentials related I think. Can you double check all of the things listed in the credentials section of the “Troubleshoot FTP” wiki article?
@Fabreazy They don’t look the same to me.
The storageftppass is clearly 32 characters long. I don’t see 32 dots for your storage node password, nor do I see 32 dots for the FOG_TFTP_FTP_Password. And I bet the local FOG user doesn’t have the storageftppass set right either.
@Fabreazy weird… let’s check permissions?
ls -lahRt /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe
@Fabreazy Looking at your error again,
FOGFTP: Failed to rename file. Remote Path: //var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/bzImage32/backup/bzImage32_20160204_154255, Local Path: /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/bzImage32, Error: ftp_rename(): Rename failed.
See what it’s trying to rename?
/bzImage32_20160204_154255Can you make sure this file is there? I wonder if that is an old file it’s bringing back in, or if that’s where the new file gets temporarily placed? Not sure, haven’t looked at the source for it.
it looks like bzImage32 is a file and not a directory. Is it trying to write to the directory thats not there?
@Fabreazy I lost track of this issue but it was raised by another user and Tom just pushed a fix. Can you please update to the very latest version and see if kernel updating is working again? Sorry for the long delay.
@Fabreazy Any news on this? Please let us know.