Verification for downloaded kernel and initramdisk
I created a checksum checker. We call or and a generated sha512 sum of the files is returned back. In the installer I download these files in bin/checksum_init/checksums and bin/checksum_kernel/checksums. It only gives us a checksum of the init{,_32}.xz and bzImage{,32} files.
Hopefully this will help.
You are the man Tom!! Hopefully this can prevent some of the kernel/init issues in the future.
Let me know if I can add something to it as well.
@Tom-Elliott Amazing. I’ve been wanting this for a while.
Now, if the check sums don’t match, does it re-attempt the downloads? What about checksums for the new client?
@Wayne-Workman I’m not doing client checksums. This is because we’re not keeping the client downloads on the server, and I don’t know if github has a dynamically generated hash to work from. I imagine they do but I’m not familiar with the api to call for.
Just stumbled upon this by accident:
@Sebastian-Roth I guess that would be to verify that the kernel and inits are transferred from the fog server to the network booting computer correctly?
Exactly. Possibly this could be of help on those weird UEFI devices which blow up with a kernel panic right after iPXE handed off to the kernel but I am not sure yet. I even don’t really know how this works at all. How to generate the signature…?! Well found some information, looks complicated:
While I don’t think it will help anything, the only thing I can think of causing the issue is the init=/sbin/init flag that’s being passed. I’ve now only made it so that this flag will only send if the platform is bios, and maybe this will help out?
Why init= only on BIOS machines? Did I miss something here? Is this known to cause issues on UEFI?
@Sebastian-Roth the only reason I’m thinking that is because it’s the only thing I added that I can think of that could be giving the bad sector. I don’t know if it causes issues or not and I’m leaning more that it likely isn’t. But just seeing if maybe it will work?