Fog 1.20 as 0.32
I don’t mean to come off harsh. but the way you put it makes how FOG is designed to work unacceptable or worse than doing it manually. I assure you this is not the case.
If you’re a used computer distributer and just want to stick a quick image onto computers for resale or shipment, then quick image is the best choice. You can do this in 1.2.0 using the Capone plugin, FYI. But you won’t see the massive speed increases that FOG Trunk has to offer.
If you support a set of computers through their life cycle - you should be registering computers.
And depending on how you are using FOG (virtualized, isolated, or bare metal) - then Trunk just might be good for you.
I’ve decided to go on with the trunk version , had some issues at first but now its installed and i’m now uploading all images i have and recreate the ones that were old. I’ve bonded 2 nics and now i wonder , do i have to configure fog to work with bond or just install fog with the bond0 when asked.
Olso i would like to ask you guys , maybe some of u knows how to do it, how to add an entry to boot “system restore” by command (like in setupcomplete.cmd) cuz i set it up with easybcd in sysprep , but each time i install windows it goes away. (recovery partition has an extracted windows iso and easybcd points to boot.wim).
@mitzayapa Our init’s come with a generalized BCD file in the case of “resizable” which is likely overwriting your customized BCD file.
I think we can correct this on your init’s so long as your BCD’s are setup in a generalized state.
@mitzayapa As to the nic bonding question. If you are doing a unicast deployment between a single target computer and the FOG server bonding will not add any value. The data is not multiplexed across the members of the bond/lag, so once a network link is selected the conversation between the FOG server and target computer will remain on that selected network link.
Where bonding/lags help if you are doing a unicast deployment to multiple targets at the same time. Think of a bonded/lag connection as a highway. You can add more lanes to carry more traffic, but you still can go only the posted speed limit and you must remain in your lane once the lane is selected.
In regards to your question about telling FOG to use the bond. The nic bonding is setup at OSI layer 2 so the bond is transparent to FOG and to a certain extent the OS too. So there is nothing to do in this regards.
First of all: Happy New Year guys
, now i have a problem you guys might give me a hint how to solve.
I´m now testing trunk version , 5704 , every i want to image a client , i choose the image through quick image , select the image , then it gives me a black screen and freezes.This has to do with an external router that i have , because if i disable dhcp on that router works like charm.
The thing is i need that routers dhcp enabled, please point me in the right direction how to solve this.
thank you in advance
Please start a new thread since your issue will get lost in this thread’s title.
But it sounds like you have two dhcp servers running in your environment.