Uploading image... so loooonnnng!
i have already ask for some problem of tftp download freeze, it sontinue, and it is not a dhcp problem. but it is not the matter. i think it is in relation with Vbox.
i have correctly start a full register of UC, and started an image upload. it successfully start at pxe boot. but. It is my first use of upload in fog, so i don’t know what is normal response at screen. system partition is 7Go size.
i seen * … resizing -> ok and next step too, but now i have lost of TAB + * on screen making this:
* * * * * * * * * * * *
no percentage , no image file in destination folder, no error message. there is 4 hours imaging now… it is a very long time to do this.the destination nfs directory is 3Gb size, but i had mounted a 10Go partition on a subdirectory /images/disks/ , and destination image location is this sub folder.
unfortunately fog webpage show me a 100% used space… impossible. there is no file in destination images directory… where are temporary data ?TEST 7,20 GiB 0,00 iB No Data
is it normal ?
@megs Hi, temporary data are stored in
Hmm, okay, i clean it, thank a lot. i see now that was totaly stupid to mount it there. i need to rethink space disk for partitions. and i understand that we need double space of image to succesfull image an UC : one for temporary in /dev, and one into final directory it is true ? so for a 5 Gb image we need 10-11Gb space disk free in nfs share ?
I’ll try to image a dos UC to see. itwill be more quick to test. dos vbox powaaa…
@megs It’s a move between /dev and /final_folder, no need to have lot of space.
What version of fog do you use ? -
What are all the abbreviations?
@megs said:
i have correctly start a full register of UC
What is a UC?
If the browser is showing 100% used space, my best guess is you really ARE at 100% used space.
When fog installs, it creates the /images folder for you. If you added a 10 gigabyte partition (very small be begin with) and mounted it to the /images directory, your display should show properly.
How big is the root partition (/)? You can check with:
sudo df