Multicast Problem "Starting to restore.."
Thanks for your reply ch3i
No, I have only one.
Yes I saw many topics about this but nothing resolve mineThe problem occurs with Two operating systems ubuntu 15 and debian 8
My output log file /opt/fog/log/multicast.log :
StorageNode Not fount on this system.
StorageNode Not fount on this system.
StorageNode Not fount on this system.
StorageNode Not fount on this system.
StorageNode Not fount on this system.
StorageNode Not fount on this system.
StorageNode Not fount on this system.
…every 10 sec “StorageNode Not fount on this system”. Is it normal ?
My storage Node is a QNAP’s NAS. -
@baboun is your storage node (QNAP) configured as master node in your storage group ?
Yes it is. I have only one storage Node and it’s the QNAP (NFS)
@baboun The QNAP is not the multicast server. You have to :
- Create a local storage (small size…)
- Create a new storage in your FOG web UI with the new local storage
- Configure the group storage with the local and QNAP storage
- Set the local storage as Master Node.
With those settings, it’s the FOG server which push the image via multicast, not the QNAP.
I understant but how FOG will going to find the images to the QNAP if it’s fog which is the master node.
I have to mount the QNAP 's storage path to the path of local storage (master node) ?
Thanks and sorry for my english …ps : I was in a labo test but is it normal that all my images created before were removed ? I think its occured when i change the master node . Good to know
@baboun said:
I understant but how FOG will going to find the images to the QNAP if it’s fog which is the master node.
I have to mount the QNAP 's storage path to the path of local storage (master node) ?
Thanks and sorry for my english …ps : I was in a labo test but is it normal that all my images created before were removed ? I think its occured when i change the master node . Good to know
You can’t export a NFS mount as NFS share.
Try the configuration I’ve posted.
Or install the proper services and items on the QNAP (e.g. Apache2, udp-cast, tfpt, etc…)
@ch3i said:
You can’t export a NFS mount as NFS share.
Try the configuration I’ve posted.
After a new capture, I will try again the multicast task.
So, even for the capture, FOG must be the master node and QNAP the membership of his group ?
I was wondering whether the image was going to be saved to the QNAP without having to indicate it (cause it’s the second node of the group which has the more capacity ?).
Cause when I create an image, I cannot choose the storage node and it’s the storage path of the master node which appears. I would not want the image to be saved in FOG.Thanks for your patience
@Tom-Elliott said:
Or install the proper services and items on the QNAP (e.g. Apache2, udp-cast, tfpt, etc…)
Do you mean that there is a FOG package for QNAP, that can be installed?
@baboun no but that doesn’t mean what you want cannot be done. I just don’t have the time or resources to spend on trying to do that.
I have indicated a local directory of fog in Web GUI (storage node) but has not got a very large capacity and all images should be saved on QNAP.
In the storage group, I have now my FOG as master node and QNAP as member of group.
I understood that FOG should be the master node in the case of Multicast but with not enough space, how it works when I want to upload?Will FOG be able to know that the images are too heavy for it ? And redirect the save to the QNAP?
@baboun said:
I understood that FOG should be the master node in the case of Multicast but with not enough space, how it works when I want to upload?
You can setup the storage nodes however you like.
The master node of a storage group does not have to be the fog server. It can be what you define it to be.
All uploads go to the master node of a storage group first, then are replicated to other storage nodes in the storage group - so keep that in mind.
For multicast to work, the interface name must be correct. It also has to be running Linux, so that the FOGMulticastManager can run and do the job. The interface name must be correct for multicast to work for that storage node.
So, you have options for the master node, it just takes configuration. While 1.2.0 is not as flexible with this, I’m sure it can be done.