Deploying an Image
Same BIOS settings on both machines??
aww crap i assumed that part. Are we talking firmware versions? or small settings like boot order etc?
No I only meant SATA options as already mentioned in this thread…
oh yeah, same. they are AHCI, when i switch to ATA it gives me the same error.
I had the same issue moving from one Bare metal Machine to an Optiplex. Set the SATA port to ATA and it booted. I will be uploading the image with better compatability like need2 mentioned here.
@need2 said:
Windows 7 still thought SATA was a little hard. Before you upload the image, you should generalize the way Windows handles its storage drivers. HowTo:
What that will do is force Windows to try multiple different types of storage driver on boot, instead of just the last one it used. The reason you are having this is that the VM likely used a form of IDE driver, and your Dell Optiplex 3020 defaults to AHCI mode on its SATA port.
If you really didn’t want to upload the image again, you could go to the BIOS and change the SATA mode to IDE or Compatibility. This should allow you to boot at least, but you will be running the drive controller much slower than it is capable of.
FYI that link is broken.
@jordonlovik so when you created the image, you set it to ATA first or when you deployed it to another machine, you set it to ATA and it worked? where there any additional configurations or issues after?
I fixed the link.
@shoong after uploading i changed the new host to ATA and it booted. However It will not let me authenticate my windows 7 key. Says that my bios is not licensed and so im stuck there. Would the next step be to play with the Bios on the Host im taking the image from? This Host is extremely important and i would hate to F something up on his computer. The new host i deployed to was set to Raid in the bios (which i then changed to ATA after deployment).
In the Optiplex Bios
On Raid(default): Will not boot
ATA: boots but gets below error
AHCI: Will not bootFor clarification purposes. I am trying to take a Custom Build Host1 (gigabyte MotherBoard) to an Optiplex 9020 Host2
@Jordonlovik because you’re using an OEM disk and that OEM his license for the gigabyte motherboard not the Dell
@Jordonlovik I’ve successfully captured/deployed Optiplex 9020s both on AHCI and “RAID On” SATA Operation modes.
Ok so imaged the PC with the Bios set to ATA. this time no errors. Already purchased new License for windows. Thanks Tom