Switching NAS servers
It fails with this error. And I checked the file path and it should be good. I didn’t have to change that as that was the same for both synology boxes.
@szecca1 Can’t skip steps
And you’re supposed to change /some/local/folder to a folder where you want your git repository stored.
@Wayne-Workman haha yea I was hoping to just change the IP address and it would work. But I just updated the GIT and still getting the same issue.
@Wayne-Workman I feel like I am back to the beginning where you guys helped me fix this a few months ago. I still am getting the same error or fatal error failed to mount NFS volume. I followed some things on the wiki page but maybe I am missing something. Any thoughts? I have a feeling it has to do with the fact that the .mntcheck is not on the new synology box but I can’t figure out how to get it there.
@szecca1 the .mntcheck file is just a blank file. FOG merely checks that it exists - hence the name mntcheck. If FOG can see a file named that, then FOG knows that NFS has been mounted correctly.
To create this file, just issue the touch command in the images and dev directories.
touch .mntcheck
@Wayne-Workman I did that and that file is not showing up on my Synology server. I am not sure if this is what is causing my issue but I am still getting that error message. I am not sure what I did wrong
@szecca1 I don’t think the mntcheck files are the issue. If FOG couldn’t find them, it’d say it couldn’t find them. Your problem happens before the check - it fails during mounting.
I’d ensure that your /images directory on the new synology box is being shared via NFS with 777 permissions on it.
@Wayne-Workman I just did that and still getting the same error message. Maybe it still thinks I am trying to give the old Synology box those rights? Is there a way to check if in Linux, the IP address is the right Synology box?
@Wayne-Workman Should I delete the storage node and start over?
@Wayne-Workman https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/NAS_Storage_Node
Or should I follow these instructions?
@szecca1 said:
@Wayne-Workman https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/NAS_Storage_Node
Or should I follow these instructions?
Those instructions have been made somewhat obsolete with the new FTP Path feature.
I’d say run through the troubleshooting found here to see what your issue with NFS is:
https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/Troubleshoot_NFSI’d pay special attention to the testing NFS bits at the top.
@Wayne-Workman Good morning, I just tried doing what you sent me and I created the text file but when I boot my machine it just boots to windows. Theres no options on the screen like the instructions say there should be
@Wayne-Workman Ok I got in but when I follow these instructions:
Next, we will mount to FOG’s remote image directories like this:mount -o nolock,proto=tcp,rsize=32768,intr,noatime $storage /images
mount -o nolock,proto=tcp,rsize=32768,intr,noatime /images/devI am getting an error " mount: mounting on /images failed: invalid argument
@szecca1 Did you create the local /image and /image/dev folders?
@Wayne-Workman Yes I followed those commands, it didnt say that it did but it didnt give an error message when I typed those commands
@szecca1 I just reviewed the commands and changed one of them. Can you look at that and try again?
@Wayne-Workman When I now type them in its not giving me an error just a list of file system specific -o flags. After that I try to test the download and upload and i get an error message "cp: cannot stat ‘/images/test.txt’: no such file or directory
@Wayne-Workman Also the test.txt file is in the /images folder on the FOG server but not on the Synology box, just for your information
@szecca1 said:
@Wayne-Workman Also the test.txt file is in the /images folder on the FOG server but not on the Synology box, just for your information
You should be altering the commands so that you are testing the synology box. The test file should exist on the Synology box.
When the directory successfully mounts via NFS, you shouldn’t get any messages at all.
Have you updated to the latest yet?