Lenovo 11e - Doesn't pass Menu screen on iPXE
Gotcha… wasn’t thinking
I will try that… just using 2012 win DC’s
I tried it and it just hangs on Initializing devices… It went past that Menu part quickly, but just hangs after.
Any other ideas?
If it’s getting “past the menu too fast” my guess is your system is getting a Console display error. This has been fixed in the Dev (trunk) versions of FOG, but can be relatively easily fixed in 1.2.0. Simply open the /var/www/fog/lib/fog/BootMenu.class.php file and find the lines that contain the phrase console. Comment them out with:
. -
@GFm Or alternatively, upgrade to the dev version: https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/Upgrade_to_trunk
The only place I see the word Console is this…
$this->kernel = “kernel $bzImage root=/dev/ram0 rw ramdisk_size=$ramsize ip=dhcp dns=$dns keymap=$keymap web=${webserver}${webroot} consoleblank=0”;
I commented this out and it didnt fix anything.
I guess I didnt realize “initialising devices” is before the menu part. To be clear, when I use the normal undionly.kpxe it gets to the menu and does go anywhere. When I use the undionly.kkpxe it gets only to the initialising devices.
Do you suggest I upgrade, or is there some other stuff I can still try?
vim does an excellent job at color-coding strings that you search for.
Install vim, open the file,
type a forward slash (to say you wanna search for the following string) then type “console” and then press enter.
So, like this:
sudo apt-get install -y vim sudo vim /var/www/fog/lib/fog/BootMenu.class.php /console [enter]
Then use the page up/down keys to quickly look through the file for the color-highlighed word “console”
Thanks for the info. I can try that next time. I used gedit and searched for “console.”Since this didn’t work, I guess I’ll give it a try to update to the dev version. I’ll let you know how I end up.
Thanks again!
@Wayne-Workman I tried updating, but it keeps erroring out on the php5-mcrypt.
Installing package: php5-mcrypt…Failed!
I am running Ubuntu 13.10. I tried installing it manually via apt-get, but that failed too.
Any ideas?
@GFm Try to update your system first.
apt-get update apt-get upgrade
@Wayne-Workman I got this… (attached)apt-get.txt
@Wayne-Workman Also, tried this installing php5-mcrypt manually mcrypt.txt
Can you change your sources to link to old-releases instead of us.archive and security?
This should be able to be changed with a sudo command of:
cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/source.list.original_fog #backs up original just in case sed -i -e 's/\/\/*archive.ubuntu.com\|\/\/*security.ubuntu.com/\/\/old-releases.ubuntu.com/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
@Tom-Elliott No luck… tried installing again after this and the update command. Any ideas?
Not everything has changed to old-releases.
Can you hit me up on chat, we could teamviewer maybe if you’re able to.
@Tom-Elliott My lenovo 11e still hangs whether I use the undionly.kkpxe or kpxe. the kkpxe hangs on initializing devices and the kpxe hands on the part where it said menu (now it says Menu PXEXT). Any ideas?
FYI anyone looking at this, Tom helped get me updated to the latest dev version.
I have built the ipxe files with debug options turned on. This may give more insight into what is going on.
I just wanted to report back. After updating to the latest dev and using the realtek.pxe bootfile, my lenovo 11e worked fine. I’m not sure whether or not the fog stable release combined with the realtek.pxe would have worked because I did not test that.
Thanks for all your help!! @Tom-Elliott @Wayne-Workman
@GFm where can I find the realtek.pxe bootfile you mentioned? We are having the same issue.
@Wendell321 I updated to the latest dev for FOG and then in your DHCP you need to change your scope option 67 from undionly.kpxe to realtek.pxe
@Wendell321 It should already be on your server.