Fog Server 1.20 Images in Server not reporting in GUI
I’m fairly sure it’s FTP and/or permissions.
You should set your /images directory to 777 recursively.
[CODE]sudo chmod -R 777 /images[/CODE]
See if that fixes it, first.If it doesn’t, check this out:
Let us know if you need help.
Thank you for a quick reply. I did change the permissions as you suggested.
I then used a ftp client to look at the permissions assuming the Fog application uses FTP to check file sizes.[root@x61 images]# ftp localhost
Trying ::1…
ftp: connect to address ::1Connection refused
Connected to localhost (
220 (vsFTPd 2.2.2)
Name (localhost:root): fog
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> cd /images
250 Directory successfully changed.
ftp> ls
227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,242,170).
150 Here comes the directory listing.
drwxrwxrwx 12 501 501 4096 Jun 04 13:28 OLE6.6
-rwxrwxrwx 2 501 501 3853516800 Nov 06 2014 OLE6.6.iso
-rwxrwxrwx 1 501 501 4293918720 Jun 02 22:03 OracleLinux7.1.iso
drwxrwxrwx 3 501 501 4096 Jun 04 18:48 dev
drwxrwxrwx 2 501 501 4096 May 31 13:52 postdownloadscripts
226 Directory send OK.So the permissions are set to 0777 as you suggested. It measures the file sizes as expected. However the Fog application is still reporting the file size as “0”. It sees the file names but not the size of the file. In addition, the guest host sees the name but reports it as “0” in size.
Bit weird.
Update 2:
I went through the Wiki page you sent and checked all of the settings.
Nice page and a lot of good things to check.Sadly - in my case, no luck.
But I will admit the project has very good documentation.
@KGreene is there actually files in the image directory? By that I mean in the actual image you’re trying I’m guessing the olel 6.6
Yes. There are two images.
An Oracle Linux 6.6 version and an Oracle Linux 7.1 version.
One is about 3.8 GB and the other is about 4.2 GB.
These were .iso files that were downloaded this week from Oracle.
The 6.6 was tested directly on another host without problems.
It installed well using a CD drive in the host.Thanks again for responding.
FOG doesn’t image systems using iso files. The directory you have called OLE6.6, should contain files in it.
This means, and how fog operates, You put OS on the host/client. You upload that to the fog server. When it completes, it creates the directory of OLE6.6 and copies the “images” of the server into the new folder.
Downloads check this directory existence to start imaging. So if the directory exists, you can create the task, but the size actually checks the files in the directory. If nothing is there, there’s nothing to print.
Now I understand a lot more.What I need to do now is upload a copy of a current (running) system image into the Fog Server.
Fog is more of a replication system than an first boot system.The reason I started with Fog was that the X-4500 I have will only do a network boot (the hard coded limitation within the system BIOS) does not allow the use of CD/DVD drives to boot the system. Has to do with system security.
That said, I do have a stand alone host (DL-360/G5) that is running OLE 6.6 on it. I can try to upload it to the Fog system.
I also have a non .iso file on the /images directory that is a conventional boot disk for OLE6.6 (has a lot of files in it). That also is not bootable.
Thank you again for all your help!!!
@KGreene said:
But I will admit the project has very good documentation.
Had to take a moment to bask in the glory.
@KGreene said:
Now I understand a lot more.What I need to do now is upload a copy of a current (running) system image into the Fog Server.
Fog is more of a replication system than an first boot system.The reason I started with Fog was that the X-4500 I have will only do a network boot (the hard coded limitation within the system BIOS) does not allow the use of CD/DVD drives to boot the system. Has to do with system security.
That said, I do have a stand alone host (DL-360/G5) that is running OLE 6.6 on it. I can try to upload it to the Fog system.
I also have a non .iso file on the /images directory that is a conventional boot disk for OLE6.6 (has a lot of files in it). That also is not bootable.
Thank you again for all your help!!!
Ok. Weird setup, but workable.
Please search the WiKi and Forums about loading ISO from the boot menu, and chain loading. Vary your terms, the Forums search feature isn’t… my favorite. Try chain-loading, chain loading, ISO, .ISO, Boot ISO, etc.
Implementing booting from an ISO via FOG is A LOT easier using FOG Trunk… and since your setup is new and not system-critical at the moment, why not?
I’ve never done this, but my understanding is:
You’ll need to put the ISO in the web root folder, add an item in the Boot Menu to point to that ISO.You might ought to look at this article for installing FOG Trunk: -
@KGreene I’m solving this post. Mostly because it was just user mis-understanding. Hopefully you understand, and if you need any help, don’t hesitate to let us know.