Old image directories not deleted / files still exist.
Is this normal? These older images haven’t existed for a month or two… I deleted them via FOG web GUI after I confirmed my new images were good.
I’ve only got 6 images at the moment, but I have 10 directories in /images and I’ve confirmed that.
I don’t know if it’s my permissions or not, but I do know this must have been like this since r2920… On r3255 now.
See attached pictures.
[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/1/1883_Images still exist…png?:”]Images still exist…png[/url][url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/1/1884_Undeleted_Directories.png?:”]Undeleted_Directories.png[/url]
How did you delete the definitions?
If you did it from the “enmass” as I so passionately like to call it, it will not delete the files. If you do it individually, however, it should request if you want to delete the files along with the definition. If the files don’t delete after that, then it’s either FTP user configuration issue (username/password incorrect) or permissions.
I delete them individually, and I do get a confirmation window to re-confirm that I want to delete an image.
What’s the permissions supposed to be?
Does FOG use FTP to delete images?
[quote=“Wayne Workman, post: 46660, member: 28155”]Does FOG use FTP to delete images?[/quote]