Bad Sectors and Failed Image Upload
I don’t have enough space on the fog server to do that.
I have no reason to believe there is actually anything wrong with the HD on the problem machine. Is it possible the report is incorrect? Is there another way to test it other than Windows chkdsk to verify that there is an issue? It’s a WD 1TB enterprise drive only a few months old.
The image of another machine just completed successfully.
try the western digital drive diagnostics available from their website
“The image of another machine just completed successfully.”
Does this not tell you anything.
Why is it so hard to believe that there could potentially be a “REAL” problem with a manufactured drive? These kinds of problems happen all the time.
We know it’s not fog just toying with your emotions here. It’s telling you what the problem is and why it’s failing. I would see if WD can test it.
You could try a ddrescue on the drive and see if anything shows up, or better yet perform a surface scan on the disk, using fogs very vast amount of tools.
Running WD diagnostics now. Will follow up with surface scan.
[quote=“geoffpeters, post: 34452, member: 25329”]I don’t have enough space on the fog server to do that.[/quote]
The image process still uses partclone.ntfs and not dd, so you are still only storing the “used space” of the disk image. smartctl can also pop out information about the failure status of a disk
$ smartctl -a /dev/sda
[/CODE]On the up side if your drive is starting to fail you caught it early and you are still under warranty
OK. The WD Data Lifeguard extended test did not find any problems.
When I run the surface scan from Fog, can I see the results later? It will take a long time to run and I want to start it when I leave for the day.
I tried running smartctl using the debug option but I get a message “command not found”
I don’t know that smartctl is installed. You stated the bad-sectors option, but have you defragged the system and then tried chkdsk?
THe command to “repair” bad-sectors is already embedded into FOG but if you do though debug it would be something like:
ntfsresize -b [otherargs as needed] <partition to clean> -
I’m a bit confused about what you are recommending.
Should I run the surface scan? If so is there a way to view the results at a later time. I ran it on a smaller disk and the scan results were only visible for a few seconds. I will not necessarily be viewing the monitor when scan completes.
Can you clarify what you mean “THe command to “repair” bad-sectors is already embedded into FOG”
I would certainly try the surface scan. If you are having problems getting the results out of fog you could run the test manually, I think it uses badblocks in the background so booting into a debug session and then running
$ badblocks -sv /dev/sda
should give you the output you are looking for. As I mentioned above though I would try one of the non-resizing upload tasks (multi-partition image), you don’t need 1TB to do it and it will give you an image to recover from if you have a problem with the disk. -
I decided to forgo the surface scan for now.
The multi-partition image is currently uploading.
I appreciate the help and thank you both for your time.