Windows machines keep trying to join domain even after joining successfully.
I noticed this on clients after we upgrade (Perhaps it’s always done this and I just never noticed). I mainly was wondering if this behavior is normal. Everything else is working great FOG been a live saver at the school district I work at! We are currently running version 1.1.1
7/3/2014 11:45 AM FOG::HostnameChanger AD mode requested, confirming settings.
7/3/2014 11:45 AM FOG::HostnameChanger Hostname is up to date
7/3/2014 11:45 AM FOG::HostnameChanger Attempting to join domain if not already a member…
7/3/2014 11:45 AM FOG::HostnameChanger Domain Error! (‘SetupAlreadyJoined’ Code: 2691)I also receive a Error NetJoin 4097 in the Windows System Log.
Does this sound like the correct behavior for after a host has correctly joined the domain?
I am having the exact same issue - I removed the host from the domain and allowed it to rejoin which it has but the event logs show the failed netjoin message. I am going to disable the HostNameChanger service and see if these messages stop.
Looking at the log, it looks fine. Notice the error is “SeupAlreadyJoined” and the line before states, “if not already a member…”
My guess is that this is intended.
2cool4me4 is correct; this is the design of the service and won’t cause any issues. The new service that is in development will most likely check if the computer is already joined to the domain first before attempting.