I noticed this on clients after we upgrade (Perhaps it’s always done this and I just never noticed). I mainly was wondering if this behavior is normal. Everything else is working great FOG been a live saver at the school district I work at! We are currently running version 1.1.1
7/3/2014 11:45 AM FOG::HostnameChanger AD mode requested, confirming settings.
7/3/2014 11:45 AM FOG::HostnameChanger Hostname is up to date
7/3/2014 11:45 AM FOG::HostnameChanger Attempting to join domain if not already a member…
7/3/2014 11:45 AM FOG::HostnameChanger Domain Error! (‘SetupAlreadyJoined’ Code: 2691)
I also receive a Error NetJoin 4097 in the Windows System Log.
Does this sound like the correct behavior for after a host has correctly joined the domain?