IPXE Menus for Booting Live OS
By previous menu, I meant the default FOG menu. It would step me back out of the Advanced Menu and back to the Default FOG Menu. I think that part is fixed now, and it looks like my problems are all permissions now. I’m still a bit linux-tarded, so that might take me a bit to get right.
Probably try:
[code]chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/fog/service/ipxe[/code] -
a troubleshooting techniquie that i’ve used for ipxe menus is going line-by-line in this format
initrd ${boot-url}/service/ipxe/seatoolsdos223all.iso || prompt
chain ${boot-url}/service/ipxe/memdisk iso raw || prompt
boot || prompt
other command that might fail || prompt
goto MENU[/CODE]this will prompt you to hit a key on any line that it fails
i mention this, because that would have shown you why it was failing to the previous menu
one of your lines was failing, and crashing to previous menu, due to a failure to execute a line, because of a permissions problem -
I needed to do:
[CODE]chmod -R 755 /var/www/fog/service/ipxe/trk[/CODE]
I’m getting an access issue now within the TRK kernel. That is probable an issue with my NFS share… either I didn’t mount it right or there are some other places that permissions reside for NFS shares. Doing some digging of my own, but I always appreciate freebies.
[S]Are you sure it’s not just a ramdisk size limitation? Right now it’s set to 127MB, maybe up the value if you have spare ram and all have the same amount?[/S]
Nevermind, I’m an idiot…
Just touching base on this one. I continued to have difficulties with the NFS share, so I just cheated and used the Windows Server NFS share I used way back when I was using a hijacked WDS server for my PXE server. Its working like that, but I would like to be able to stop relying on that server before it goes end-of-life. So any suggestions on what permissions and such I should have on the NFS share for the TRK boot folder would be appreciated.
is /trk (or the location referring to it) on the exports file? Just a thought.
Is the NFS share on a Windows server or your fog server?
The NFS that works is on a Windows server, and the one I haven’t gotten working yet is on the FOG server. And I do have it in the exports file, but come to think of it I should take another look at the settings it has.