Latest Development FOG
On latest svn I cant export my reports to excel anymore or pdf.
SVN 2694 should fix the export issue.
Running 2697 tom and still doing same thing .
What’s the error you’re getting?
[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/1/1519_screen shot.png?:”]screen shot.png[/url]
That looks like a specific problem with IE/Firefox?
Just tried it on another pc and I received the same error.
Beyond another PC have you tried a Nother browser
Yes same in IE and Mozilla.
What version of IE? 9, 10, & 11 are not all the same.
SVN 2707 released.
With this comes improvements in building the Reports, especially in dealing with large table sets as you may have seen in another forum.
Also comes some simpler mechanisms in jquery/javascript. I may work towards a complete rewrite down the road, but for now I’m just cleaning them up and adding functionality where I think it’s kind of been needed.
For example, on the task management page, it keeps updating the number of active tasks (as expected) but it does so on any page dealing with the Tasks including places where you may not want this to happen (search to name one instance I can imagine). This is now corrected for. I’m able to pull in get variables (the stuff in the url) so I can test if we’re on a page we want updates or not.
[quote=“Ray Zuchowski, post: 39356, member: 24449”]11[/quote]
Ray, the message you’re seeing is specific to your environment. This is not some issue with FOG, which is why we’re trying to help you by reporting the issue by simply stating browser. While it’s not necessarily only browser, it could be as simple as the fact you’re requesting to open the file directly and MS Office can’t do it on a “part” file?
Excellent work Tom, I can see that I will personally find this very useful.
Just one question - do you ever sleep ?
I don’t know what that word means. What is this thing you call “sleep”?
I just tried exporting on the latest svn and tried it on 2 different computers with all 3 browsers and I am still getting that error.
Mozilla, Chrome, and IE 11.
Regardless, this is not an issue with the exporting of items. It’s how your browsers are attempting to save the data and/or how your browsers are trying to open the file.
Are you able to at least save the file?
No I cant save the file at all.
Reports should be fixed now. This includes huge databases and saving.
Confirmed, reports are OK now using SVN 2725. I was seeing the same problem as Ray when I tested earlier.