Can Fog...
Can Fog -
- run on a WD My Cloud as “the” server?
- can Fog be configured to boot a laptop (minus any HD)? And use a public share off the WD My Cloud as storage?
Why? I have 2 laptops both seem to run hot and hang. Maybe if I take out the HDs they will run cooler. Plus, I think it would be neat to have different flavors of Linux (live CDs) available to try out on different machines. Seems like this would be really simple to setup. Or have I totally missed the point of Fog?
I actually started all this by finding Peppermint Linux would work on #1 Laptop, but not on #2. But I changed something on #1 and it wouldn’t work any more, so I started all over again with the Live CD. So I was looking for something to use to backup the laptop, so I could just restore. Thus, I discovered Fog. And Wow I could actually boot from there too! Then I read somewhere something to the effect of booting 100s of diskless computers…
Am I totally off the mark here?
I don’t know if FOG could run on just a hard-drive. If it has on OS level installed to it and can run it, then the answer is most likely it’s possible. At the minimum, however, you can use the WD My Cloud as a storage node, though I don’t know all the details on this particular device.
With PXE/iPXE you can boot 100’s or 1000’s of “Diskless” computers but that’s not really how the FOG System operates. The OS level of FOG is mainly for uploading and downloading images from client machines. The Client’s, themselves, still run on their own Operating System though. All FOG does is capture that “OS” level and allow you to put that image on multiple machines.
The device runs Wheezy Linux and successfully dnsmasq. Then while trying to install FOG I bricked - then re-imaged (Un-bricked) and am back to trying to install FOG.
Actually, that’s not true - I did an update and then upgrade - that’s when it crashed (bricked). My goal though was to install FOG. And still is. I didn’t re-install dnsmasq on that device, but on another one.
So from your answer, my original goal - to have FOG do the backup and when/if the laptop crashes, FOG will come to the rescue and re-install the OS… Correct?
If fog is working after you get it installed and dnsmasq settings are correct, you may need to play with the boot commands, and maybe even remove them ( I had to for my linux router) then yes after registering the laptop and creating an image store you will be able to back up your image, and if need be restore it by pxe booting.
Well, I know this is the wrong thread/topic - perhaps I should go where it needs to be… I’m searching for similar problem -
I get as far as confirming package installation and it lists 5 things - the last being php5-mysql failed. only link I found close to this is
but that install is much further along than I am. I’m going over there to start a new thread, unless you have a link to another thread with a similar problem?<edit> WD My Cloud 4T with Wheezy Debian. Probably stripped down OS. </edit>
If you use the right switches on apt-get you should be able to prompt it to detect and fix missing dependencies. I believe its -f .
Thanks. I may try that. I just found out dnsmasq (which is already running on another box) has pxe support built in, I’m trying that right now since I’m having trouble installing fog.