This is how I've deployed Windows 8.1 with Fog 0.32
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 40201, member: 7271”]You’ll blame your problems as a “limitation of FOG” which seems rather selfish in the firstplace because you obviously have no understanding of what fog actually is.[/quote]
:oops: Love you
[quote=“Thomas Rucker, post: 40202, member: 1970”]
I’ve been an LAN Administrator for 15 years, started using FOG four years ago, and have pushed it to other offices, and applauded FOG over Ghost.[/quote]What a LAN Administrator don’t understand in Tom instruction ?
[quote=“Tom Elliott”]
SO when you get to debug, you run fixparts /dev/sda on the command line presented
[/quote] -
NO, I quoting you from another forum, and it was not insult, it was a question.
Let me try again. The Lenovo’s, when using their systems disks, creates six partitions, is this why that RAW image format only works.
What can I do to get around the six partitions?
Do you think that the debug is going to work? I’m getting ready to try the process, with the instructions you gave me.
Thank you for you help.
What I’m confused about,
How are there 6 partitions being created on a disk?
Are you 100% sure this disk is being setup in MBR [B]AND[/B] using extended/logical partitions over GPT? I ask because the “limitation” that I reference in the other thread is specific to Resizable images. It should not have any impact on Multipart Single/All disk setup, and as you already know, does not have any impact on RAW.
I’m not trying to Insult you or state that you insulted me. However, as we keep trying to get and give information, it feels like you’re just looking for the quick answer. Because of this, it feels to me like you’re just doing whatever willy nilly and then coming back saying it’s not working. If you actually read the information, it should give what I like the call the “aha” or “epiphany” moment. Installing the system from scratch is the best bet, but obviously if your system disks are adding these extra things that we (assume) are causing most of the problems right, then maybe look into using a different disk.
Are these systems you’re working with enterprise or consumer grade? If so, can lenovo provide you with an enterprise style install disc as this should remove all the “bloatware” and allow you to default install your windows systems. I haven’t played too much on installing windows 8/8.1 and even less with installing it on and MBR setup. The first thing that pops into my mind is GPT though. Mostly because I’ve been working and helping people for over a year here on the forums.
There is little you can do to insult me. Do I get frustrated, sure, I am human. When I read things and things really start to fail to add up, I will let you know. I’m not throwing my hands up, I just don’t know how to help out any further. If you’re following all the instructions, then you should be able to use Multipart imaging. If you upgrade to 1.2.0, which Junkhacker was trying to request you to do (he’s a developer too) You would also be able to, when things are correctly setup, operate with Windows 8 and resizeable images.
Sure, you had the issues with Windows 7. That’s probably a similar issue to my thoughts on what’s happening with your Windows 8 systems, but you keep throwing excuses rather than attempting things being suggested. Why should we continue to help?
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 40201, member: 7271”]I fail to understand how you “tried” all of the above and:
Yet you end yup with 6 partitions on your disks.
And you’re IT Support? So you say, nah I won’t follow any of the actual instructions that are presented, but I’ll do my OWN thing. Then I’ll complain that My OWN thing isn’t working?
I’m done answering your questions. Sorry it has to be like this, but after reviewing of the information it appears that you lack the ability to follow simple instruction and just feel things should work the way you want them to because you want them to work that way. You’ll blame your problems as a “limitation of FOG” which seems rather selfish in the firstplace because you obviously have no understanding of what fog actually is.[/quote]
I just wiped a Lenovo 10Ay, to see if I get the same thing, I did. I uploaded it to a Test image. So, I’m showing you what I see in FOG, and what I see when it does the download.
As you can see there are six partitions, but what is weird in Windows disk management, it only shows five.
This looks like it is using mbr, but if I’m wrong, correct me.I used a different set up disk, got the same result.
Is this limited to Lenovo?
It seems like it is to me.
What is weird (and maybe you can explain it) is the Windows8 file sitting there.
The d1p# files look great, although things don’t work, but were/what is this Windows8 file?
I wiped clean again, but this time I used diskpart, and remove the recovery partitions.
Then I rebooted the system, it came up just fine.
So, I uploaded as multiple partition single disk, PartClone.
Wipe again, and down loaded, it gave me the blinking cursor, no big deal, just ran Windows 8 repair.
It could not fix it, no big deal, I’ll just do a recovery on it. Still had the blinking cursor, no big deal ran MBR fixer, WTF.
Now it says no operating system. Boot up with WindowsPE, all of the files are there, no big deal.
Boot to Windows 8 and did PC refresh, yes move the partitions, WTF, it still says no operating system.
I’m going to reload again, us diskpart, remove the recovery partition, upload as RAW image, them download again.
I wiped it clean again, and used a generic Windows 8.1 disk, didn’t use the restored disks.
Loaded the OS, it only had two partitions, just like Windows 7.
Uploaded, set the test image to multiple partitoin image single disk, partclone.
Wiped it clean again.
Did a download, it worked!?
So, the issue is what ever Lenovo is doing to the partitions, during the restore, will not work with FOG.
FOG and Windows 8/8.1 can work with the UEFI default of 4 partitions (Partition 1 usually being the Protective MBR, Partition 2 being the Recovery, Partition 3 being whatever it is microsoft decided it to be, and Partition 4 being the main data partition) This is what is typical of a default Windows 8/8.1 install with UEFI enabled. Yes, the file system is also structured in GPT which also should work fine. Under the Default Windows 8/8.1 setup, with UEFI enabled, the only requirement before an imaging task occurs is to disable Secure boot, and re-enable it once the imaging task is complete.
Maybe you could try the latest and greatest in SVN to see if it may help you with the default partitioning scheme done by the Lenovo installation disks? I’ve try to make as dynamic as possible and rely purely on the disk layout scheme over specifically telling the HDD where and what partitions to place.