Transferring database and .fogsettings
I think I might have done something stupid…
I have a new server on which I have already installed FOG.
Today I wanted to transfer the database from my old server to the new server and update the version of FOG.I thought I was being clever… before transferring the database and running the FOG installer, I edited /opt/fog/.fogsettings on my new server and inserted the passwords, copied from the management interface on the old server:
username='fogproject' password='password from old server'
snmysqluser='fogmaster' snmysqlpass='password from old server'
Then having run the installer it occurred to me, does the installer update all the necessary services to use these passwords, if FOG is already installed? Or have I broken something - and if so, how do I fix it?
@MarkG Hello and happy new year.
First of all, I hope you have taken backup the database and files from the old server. Everything you need for the migration are documented in
@AUTH-IT-Center Hi thanks for the reply.
Yes I’ve read that link, my problem is that I’ve done the password migrations “backwards” - ie I’ve copied the passwords from the database to .fogsettings instead of the other way around as specified on that link.