Windows on ARM
A search didn’t reveal anything about this which makes me suspect I’m missing something obvious but…
Does FOG support Windows on ARM? Eg Lenovo now make a range of Thinkpads with a Qualcomm Snapdragon CPU and many other manufacturers are bringing similar models out.
I noticed there are ARM kernels on the kernel download page. Is all I need to do to install those and everything will just work?
@MarkG In general there is basic support for ARM processors in FOG. But the realities are that there hasn’t been a viable ARM based workstation to validate the FOG configuration against. Yes there is the Raspberry Pi, but that is more of an embedded device and not a general computing computer. Since the developers don’t have one of these computers to verify the FOG code against it will take community involvement to work out the details.
When I was first testing the R-Pis I did find a few assumptions in the code that if FOG couldn’t determine the processor, it assumed a 32 bit X86 processor. Those issues have been corrected, but I’m sure there are others hidden away in 15 year old code.
So the short answer is, it might work or might not.
@george1421 Thanks for the info. I’m going to be purchasing one of these Lenovos so I will try and assist if I can.
@MarkG OK let us know because there is some info that you can collect on these devices to help the developers validate the code.
@george1421 Great. Let me know what you need and how to get it and I’ll do that as soon as I’m able to.