Deleted /images/dev
Re: Accidentaly Deleted /Images/Dev
Actually /images still there but the /dev that came after it is gone. I saw Wayne Workman’s 10 line repair from 2017 and typed it in but still no go. I get the stall at “Running post init scripts” after the pix connection. Is there supposed to be an actual script entered at <SCRIPTNAME>? If so, where do I find it? The /images/dev/postinitscripts/fog.postinit path is there. I looked at fog.postinit in nano and there was nothing there. A linux savy friend had me enter:
#. ${postinitpath}fog.postinitbut we both think there ought to be something else for <SCRIPTNAME>
I put a space between "#! and /bin/bash originally which may explain why the file was empty. I went back and tried to re-enter the first echo line and now it returns:
-bash: !/bin/bash: event not found
It’s a mess. I would appreciate any help?
@vicl Re-running the FOG installer should take care of this.
Ahh, will try. thanks