Copy image from one fog server to a different fog server
I have a image win7 that I would like to copy from one fog server to a different fog server. Is that even possible? Or do I have to go all the process like creating a image - then uploading the image to the server?
You just need to copy the image file(s) over and create the image definition on the new server (making sure to point to the correct location).
The image defination will be on GUI of fog server. And to transfer the image using winscp. Where would be the location?
Copy the images to the same location on the new fog server as they were stored on the old one, which would be in /images. As long as the permissions are set correctly, you can as well copy the images to a different location/folder. But make sure, that the path in the image definition is correct.
Filezilla can be your friend
Thank you guys. I will try this process.