Fog on Proxmox ?
@sebastian-roth I have fog containers running in proxmox, IIRC the issues are mostly related to apparmor profiles and ubuntu. I need to allow specifically allow NFS permissions on a per VM (container) basis in the config file, ive tested with Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, and currently running 20.04. I think most of this is documented in my internal wiki, I can provide more information if needed.
Hello @smoblikat
I couldn’t get FOG to work in an LXC container, I’m still coming across a server NFS problem.
Here is the error in the FOG install logs:* Setting up and starting NFS Server..........................Failed! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! The installer was not able to run all the way to the end as !! !! something has caused it to fail. The following few lines are !! !! from the error log file which might help us figure out what's !! !! wrong. Please add this information when reporting an error. !! !! As well you might want to take a look at the full error log !! !! in /root/fogproject-1.5.9/bin/error_logs/fog_error_1.5.9.log !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dec 18 15:35:31 fogserver systemd[1]: nfs-server.service: Job nfs-server.service/start failed with result 'dependency'. Failed to enable unit: Unit file nfs.service does not exist. Failed to stop nfs.service: Unit nfs.service not loaded. Failed to start nfs.service: Unit nfs.service not found. Unit nfs.service could not be found.
I found a few tips on the forums but none of them worked. I’m trying to install FOG 1.5.9 on Proxmox 6.3-2 and Debian 10.
What do you recommend? I’m a bit disappointed
Thanks for your answers and happy holidays. -
@bristow-0 said in Fog on Proxmox ?:
I found a few tips on the forums but none of them worked.
Please tell us more about what exactly you have tried so far. It’s way easier for us to help you when we know what you tried so far and what outcome it had.
Not sure why you say you are disappointed. This is an open forum where people try to help in their free time and nothing to count on like a paid support (which is usually not as responsive as we are but anyway).
No problem regarding my disappointment. I am especially sorry that I didn’t succeed like a great one
I know many open source projects and I contribute to some of them: PeerTube, OpenStreetMap. I’m very happy to have discovered Fog and to have been able to quickly clone posts and 1 classe. I work in a French school with limited IT resources.
So, to answer your question, I followed a tutorial from the forum.
I started to disable apparmor on my container with :
Edit the container configuration file and add the line lxc.aa_profile: unconfined. On Proxmox the configuration file is located at /etc/pve/lxc/CTID.conf, where CTID is the ID number of the container.
and I restarted container and the script but not better.
Then I did step 2 of this page: but no better.
I also tried to enable NFS in the options. Anyway, I think I did everything but I wonder if I did some things wrong.
So, what do you advise me for FOG on Proxmox 6.3-2? Maybe I’ll have to start from scratch… and focus on one action, but which one? and how do you know if the NFS server is running without having to restart the script?
Thanks for your help!
@Bristow-0 What I get from a search on the web (don’t use Proxmox myself currently) the changes to apparmor were needed in Proxmox version 5 but version 6 seems to be a different story again.
The very last post on this topic in the Proxmox forums says that you can create the container a different way and it should work: (I have not tested this and have no idea if it’s correct or not)
Similar information here: Which version of Porxmox do you use?
@jburleson Are you still around and using Proxmox? Maybe there is an update to your topic:
Finally, I dropped LXC in Proxmox 6 and used a KVM-based VM to virtualize my Fog server.
It works perfectly as it is.
@Bristow-0 We just had someone report that it might be possible to do using LXC container using certain options:
@sebastian-roth Too late
it doesn’t matter
@bristow-0 I’m running FOG 1.5.9 in a Buster 10 VM on Proxmox 6.1-3 and it’s mostly working fine. I imagine a significantly newer version of Proxmox wouldn’t have any issues. I was able to register and capture an imagine from a Ryzen 7 3700X machine. I’m just having issues booting my HTPC from ipxe for some reason I can’t figure out.
@huecuva said in Fog on Proxmox ?:
I’m just having issues booting my HTPC from ipxe for some reason I can’t figure out.
Please start a new thread so we can discuss