Snapins with dual boot
I have an image containing Ubuntu and Windows. Grub allows to choose which OS to boot.
I would like to know what is expected when I assign a snapin to a host configured with that types of images.Example:
I want to install google-chrome on Ubuntu. Once the snapin is assigned to the host, unfortunately, the user boot to Windows first. Will the snapin be ignored until a reboot to Ubuntu or will it be discarded and never executed anywhere ?Thanks in advance.
@eseo-fcolas Unfortunately the fog-client as it is right now doesn’t work in Ubuntu and Windows on the same host because it was not created with that feature in mind. It will take some major work to fix this.
For your example: Snapins itself are not bound to the OS. So if your hosts boots Windows it will still try to execute the snapin but fail due to it not being able to install the Linux Chrome package on Windows and therefore drop the snapin task.
Thanks for bringing this up. This is something we should be able to prevent from in the fog-client with less amount of work than the issue mentioned above. I will take a look at this over the weekend.
Thanks for your answer.
I suggest to reserve /bin/bash to Linux or Mac. Then when booting on Windows, the client could just ignore it (keeping it in queue) because it’s bash.