Windows 10 issues
@mpatel Do you create your golden image every time like with MDT or do you seal and then open and reseal your golden image? We recreate our golden image every time using MDT. We haven’t run into this issue imaging with FOG and we’re deploying Win10 1903.
I’m trying to remember the spiceworks post I saw that there was something that needed to be deleted or IE would behave strangely. With Apps taking longer to open than normal. I might suspect hardware drivers.
What version of Win10 are you using? Is it OEM or Enterprise? What release?
we use win 10 pro. images were created on 1803 and 1903 update.once it’s sealed i do not re open it. i basically start over in VM and go into audit mode to customize than finally sysprep and capture it in fog.
@mpatel It sounds like you are doing the correct things when you build your image.
So the questions I have is does time break the system or is it the second user logging in? So deploy the image to a new system and have 3 users log in right after each other. Is everything OK?
Are you getting any error messages when the second user logs in? Either displayed to the user or in the event log?
Are you installing any applications that could corrupt the default profile (used to create new users)? We (unfortunately) deployed an application that created a folder in the default profile that only an administrator could read. The user profile service had fits trying to add new users. This folder came in some time after the image was deployed so the first user logging in had no issues, but once the package was deployed any new new user logins were blocked.
Sounds familiar. Are you using copyprofile=true in your sysprep?
I use the following in a vb script that runs from an auto-logged-on Administrator as it comes out of sysprep.
Sub sProfileFixes() ' Clean up problems caused by using COPYPROFILE=TRUE Dim retry : retry = 0 Do Until retry = 10 If objFSO.FolderExists( "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache" ) Then On Error Resume Next Call objShell.Run( "cmd /c rmdir /s /q C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache", 0, True ) Err.Clear retry = retry + 1 Else Exit Do End If Wscript.Sleep( 5000 ) Loop If objFSO.FileExists( "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCacheLock.dat" ) Then objFSO.DeleteFile "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCacheLock.dat" End if End Sub
so far issues only happened when we assigned computers to new users and were not in use for about month after last users left job. event logs were checked but no significant reported error.
I just configured laptop with the fog image had 3 different users signed into it. 2 domain admins and one normal user. all our profiles are intact no issue.
Try the guts of the script on an affected profile. It won’t hurt anything but might fix it.
rmdir /s /q "C:\Users\<name>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache" del "C:\Users\<name>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCacheLock.dat"
@sudburr your commands fixed the issue. we also found article on Microsoft website that covered your commands.
Thank you so much
It’s amazing how this is still broken by sysprep after so many years.
I am using windows 10 for my daily usage, and using an Epson printer for printing but last time when I tried to print some important documents it was not connecting with that and showing a massage like epson error code 0x69. Any advice will highly acceptable.
Mods edit: Removed external link as there does not seem to be any kind of related content.
@ashleyedwin what does this have to do with fog or an issue of fog?
Just update.
sometimes this file “WebCacheLock.dat” is called “WebCacheV01.dat”. It is safe to remove it.
@mpatel said in Windows 10 issues:
“WebCacheLock.dat” … “WebCacheV01.dat”
Both are related to caching and history mechanisms in IE / Edge and may be safely deleted.
@mpatel said in Windows 10 issues:
@sudburr your commands fixed the issue. we also found article on Microsoft website that covered your commands. player games
Thank you so much
the solution in is so detail with a newbie like me. Thanks for the link! -
@buddyaderholt I don’t see how this is directly related. Please remove the link you posted or we will do so unless you can explain the context of how this fits into the picture.