FOG 1.5.4 Image Capturing
I just built a test server to test out FOG 1.5.4. I go to capture my first image on it and on the host machine itself it goes through just fine and when finished reboots to the hard drive. But if you look in FOG task it still shows it as capturing. It does not give a percentage under FOG task for the capture job, but just a spinning circle, and does not go away even if you give it a day.
If you go into the images directory it does not even show the folder for the image I captured.
My production FOG server is still running 1.5.2, I used the same settings for this image as I always do on my production FOG Server 1.5.2. I also compared the permissions for the /images directory between the production 1.5.2 server and the test 1.5.4 server and nothing appears to be different.
Any ideas on what I am missing here? I think its just a setting within FOG is m guess.
@imagingmaster21 What you describe sounds like an FTP issue from my point of view. Please read through this:
@Sebastian-Roth I just was thinking of this last evening. I had that problem before when I first started using FOG. It just ended up being the wrong passwords. You don’t think of that after you have one server up and running for a year.
@imagingmaster21 Well we need more information to be able to help. Any error messages at the end when a client finishes?
@sebastian-roth I fixed the problem, the FOG TFTP and Storage Node passwords needed corrected.
@imagingmaster21 Ahh, now I get what you mean. Thanks for letting us know.