Upload Task Completes But Then Repeats & Repeats...
I recently upgraded my FOG v1.44 install OS to Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS.
Since then (assumption - I believe it started around that time) whenever I run an upload/capture task it completes and then simply starts again. I left one running for the weekend and it just appears to go around and around. It completes just fine but never stops.
Anyone have any idea why?
Thanks for any help,
Jim -
A bad FTP password for the storage node would cause this. Also if you’re out of space too.
@jimsngc Do you have any post download (aka deploy) scripts in place? Take a look at
Other than that, I think we need to know exactly what’s going on. So please take a steady video of what you see on screen after the last blue partclone is gone. Upload the video to your dropbox/gdrive and post a link here.
A bad FTP password for the storage node would cause this. Also if you’re out of space too.
@wayne-workman I think the FTP password was the issue - thanks so much for the help!