Access Control Plugin
you will be able to do it within the Access Control Plugin (haven’t looked at it since it’s been rewritten) - if not you can certainly achieve it with a simple hook.
public function MenuData($arguments) { if (!in_array($this->node,(array)self::$pluginsinstalled)) return; if (!self::$FOGUser->isValid()) return; $this->linksToFilter = array('accesscontrol', 'ldap'); foreach((array)$this->linksToFilter AS $i => &$link) unset($arguments['main'][$link]); unset($link); }
Most certainly they are able to be removed. I’ll try to post how on Tuesday
As tom said, you can remove them. To do this you can add a new rules, in this case the two menu icons are “Main Menu” icon.
The plugin adds, by default, some rules. You want to remove LDAP plugin icon and AccessControl plugin icon.
To add new rule:
- Go to AccessControl plugin and click in “Add new rule”
- Now setup the new rule:
Rule type: MAIN_MENU
Parent: main
Node Parent:
Rule Value: accesscontrol
- Click in “Create Button”
The new rule is created, now you need to associate it to the role.
To create LDAP plugin rule, in the same way only change Rule Value= ldap
@tom-elliott said in Access Control Plugin:
Most certainly they are able to be removed. I’ll try to post how on Tuesday
I have seen that you changed the code
@fernando-gietz said in Access Control Plugin:
To create LDAP plugin rule, in the same way only change Rule Value= ldap
Is there somewhere where all these are listed?
@wayne-workman said in Access Control Plugin:
@fernando-gietz said in Access Control Plugin:
To create LDAP plugin rule, in the same way only change Rule Value= ldap
Is there somewhere where all these are listed?
The rule value is easy to know. We use the url to restrict the access, for example:
URL: http://fog_server_name/fog/management/index.php?node=ldap
The node value of the URL is the Rule Value of the rule.
Thanks for the information! This is very helpful, however I have found that adding a new rule doesn’t quite work the way I expect.
I add the rule using the data called out above and when I click “Add Rule”, it takes me back to the home page with the bandwidth and other graphs. However, the URL doesn’t change to ?node=home. It remains ?node=accesscontrol&sub=addrule.
Rather curious don’t you think? Also, the new rule isn’t really created either.
@kAs1m Can you be more explicit? XD
Which is the problem? -
@Fernando-Gietz I’m sorry. I’m trying to hide Access Control plugin managment button from accessing by technician-role useres. Doing it by adding additional rule as said in post 103025, and its doing nothing, this button still there, as you can see on my screenshot.
Hi @kAs1m ,
I know what is happen here. The problem is the array of element of the top menu.I will try to explain how works the plugin: the elements of the top menu are saved in one array, the AccessControl plugin erases the elements of the menu but, frecuently, the AccessControl can not erase the element because the order in the array have been changed. This occurs, normaly, when you try to apply some rules at time.
In conclusion, the plugin doesn´t work as fine as we want. As solution try to add rules one by one and see the result, for example I have a configuration as yours usong these rules:
- MAIN_MENU-about about main
- MAIN_MENU-plugin plugin main
- MAIN_MENU-service service main
- MAIN_MENU-site site main
- MAIN_MENU-storage storage main
- MAIN_MENU-user user main
In the future 1.6 version the pages will be loaded in other way that takes in account this problem.
@Fernando-Gietz Thanks, now its working!