Storms, corrupted MBR, save the images?
I think we need clear information on what you’ve tried, how you determined what’s happening, and a general overview of how things were setup though.
Running DD on individual disks that were in a RAID won’t be very useful.
I try and keep a USB drive backup of the images offline as well as the configuration save to permit an easy rebuild from scratch if necessary. Most users update images rarely enough that this is not a huge burden.
Came in, restarted UPS, checked status, gave it 2 hours to restore levels, in case of further outage. We still have crews working in county and 4 surrounding, likely will have more down.
Started Win DC, locked in boot options reboot cycle. Started hardware diagnostics, letting it go.
Started Ubuntu/Fog server, locked at lost/corrupted mbr message. Attempted 1 restart in case of anomalous behavior. Same outcome.
Ran the Ubuntu live CD, could not even mount sda1, (•sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt). Tried Boot-Repair, same outcome. “Assumed” it was pointless to go for more utilities/attempts … ?
@Mastriani once you get your servers back online, look at Veeam Endpoint Backup (free) to make a DR image of your physical servers, both windows and linux. If you have it installed and you have your DR backup you can bring back the server by booting off the Veeam DR disk and then connect to your backup repository (files).
Well the “MBR” data is the partition layout, so if this is lost or corrupt, linux has no idea where /dev/sda1 is.
You could try a utility with testdisk that should be able to help find and recover the mbr information potentially.
@george1421 That is massively appreciated, especially considering my lack of authority to control the environments for my equipment. Thank you very much sir, that is very much needed.
@Tom-Elliott Yes sir, I was just looking at that, having trouble understanding how it is utilized, unless it is a boot CD/DVD?
Maybe here: -
@Joseph-Hales Thank you sir, yes, it would appear that may be a best practice that has to be instated. Even though I regularly update images, at no more than 2 month cycle, it shouldn’t add much extra work to the process in total.