IPXE Issues
Your client does not have permission to get URL /v8XwHa7EvGmlAc-9NqToHtVtsfdfcbDoKR-Q-y0feAsv0D-ahsZHipQqqP77P5y2BJ1WeycTgJyMFs4SpaqKDG64f-YfxHhxPAY6=w1920-h941-rw from this server.(Client IP address: <retracted>) Forbidden That’s all we know.
3rd time’s the charm…try these:
Picture 1: Failing using the old server address
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6yrqHh_joc2d20tWEZzdWcwMVBhckk4V1dZb0Z4MlVvMkprPicture 2: Failing with undionly.kpxe.INTEL with 5 “dots”
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yrqHh_joc2aENyMnJtRE16aFE/view?usp=sharingPicture 3: Working undionly.kpxe.INTEL
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6yrqHh_joc2WnBhWUdEemFIQVNqZ1dybzk4RTlOeFFmSENn -
@jaoyer those worked. any luck with default.ipxe?
Copying the file over has worked consistently the last 5 times I booted a test machine, so I am fairly certain that that works. However, I am still concerned why it is pointing at the old server. It is my intention to decommission our old server at some point, and am afraid that it will still look to the old server for the default.ipxe file. To test this, I took our old fog server down so that it was completely shut off and booted my test machine . It was still looking for the the default.ipxe file on our old server even though it was down and it eventually timed out.
Is there any cache or anything that I have to clear out on our switches?
How does the “next-server” part of the script work? Is it something as simple as giving the new server an address that comes before the old server?
@jaoyer whatever is serving out options 66/67 dhcp options is providing the next-server address.
So option 66/67 of the DHCP server are set to point at the New fog server?
The Old fogserver’s IP Address in the 66 option would cause the problem. YOu would need to update the option 66 to point at the new fog server.
What’s the contents of:
cat /tftpboot/default.ipxe
Option 66 is set to the new server
Option 67 I have set to either undionly.kpxe or undionly.kpxe.INTEL (I’ve tested both).
Cat returns:#!ipxe
cpuid --ext 29 && set arch x86_64 || set arch i386
param mac0 ${net0/mac}
param arch ${arch}
param platform ${platform}
param product ${product}
param manufacturer ${product}
param ipxever ${version}
param filename ${filename}
isset ${net1/mac} && param mac1 ${net1/mac} || goto bootme
isset ${net2/mac} && param mac2 ${net2/mac} || goto bootme
chain -
@jaoyer So is that the global options for options 66/67? Is it possible your lan is using “scoped” options to point lans where to get their options 66/67?
I think that fixed it. I do have split scope dhcp setup on two servers, and only changed the options on one of them. I changed them in both and it seems to be working fine now.
Feel free to call me an idiot
As far as the updating issue going from 1.30RC10 to 1.40 (detailed in my 2nd response), should I create new thread?
@jaoyer Did you run the installer as
sudo ./installfog.sh
?I might suggest rerunning the installer after gaining root first through
sudo -i
@jaoyer said in IPXE Issues:
As far as the updating issue going from 1.30RC10 to 1.40 (detailed in my 2nd response), should I create new thread?