Is there any FOG forum in German language?
Use Ubuntu 10.04.
Install Ubuntu (create user account that is not “fog”)
Update (sudo apt-get update)
Upgrade (sudo apt-get upgrade)
Install FOG -
Ich würde dir wie mein Vorposter ebenfalls empfehlen Ubuntu 10.04 LTS als Basis für FOG zu benutzen. Damit hatte ich bisher keine Probleme. Falls du dann Probleme beim Imagen oder Deployen hast, müsste man im Einzelnen gucken, woran es liegen könnte.
Soweit ich weiß gibt es kein deutschsprachiges Forum für FOG.
Warum kann ich nicht ubuntu 12.04 verwenden, das habe ich in einer deutschen Installationsanleitung so gelesen. Ich war so froh, dass ich nach etlichen Versuchen das ubuntu endlich installiert hatte. Der FOG-Server ließ sich ja auch gut installieren und konfigurieren. Mein Versuchshost(winXP-Maschine) hat sich auch gleich registriert und ist auf dem FOG-Server vorhanden. Ich schaff es nur nicht ein image von dem host auf dem FOG-Server zu erzeugen. Siehe obige Fehlermeldung. Ich hab das Problem auch in einigen threads gefunden, aber die waren alle in englischer Sprache und ich hab die Lösung nicht verstanden.
schnappi -
Ubuntu 12.04 hat Probleme mit TFTP und einige Paket Veränderungen, die nicht immer gut mit FOG. Ubuntu 10.04 LTS funktioniert super und ist die am meisten auf den Foren unterstützt.
O.K. I try to install ubuntu 10.04 Where can I find the iso-file for download. May be you must help me with installation.
Best regards
schnappi -
Desktop or Server?
[quote=“chad-bisd, post: 8658, member: 18”]Server[/quote]
I`m going on to install ubuntu 10.04 During installation there is the question “What software should be installed:
DNS server
LAMP server
Mail server
and so on”
Is there any software I should select?
If installation and upgrade is successful is it possible to copy the fog folder which I saved from ubuntu 12.04 to an external hdd or is there an other way to install fog?
Best regards and thanks very much
schnappi -
[QUOTE]Is there any software I should select?[/QUOTE]
none[QUOTE]If installation and upgrade is successful is it possible to copy the fog folder which I saved from ubuntu 12.04 to an external hdd or is there an other way to install fog?[/QUOTE]
which fog folder? /images, /tftpboot, /var/www/fog, /opt/fog ?
[quote=“chad-bisd, post: 8690, member: 18”]none
which fog folder? /images, /tftpboot, /var/www/fog, /opt/fog ?[/quote]
/opt/fogBut now there is another big problem. I finished installation started ubuntu and after login I only get a commandline. I can
t work with commandline, I
m a absolutly newcomer with linux. I need a graphical desktop like gnome or anything else. What can I do?
Best regards
schnappi -
most of FOG admin is all done through the Web user interface, so there is no need for a GUI.
but if you must,
sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment
no reason to keep /opt/fog either.
[quote=“chad-bisd, post: 8695, member: 18”]most of FOG admin is all done through the Web user interface, so there is no need for a GUI.
but if you must,
sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment
no reason to keep /opt/fog either.[/quote]
I`m not even able to start a webbrowser from commandline therefor I need gnome.
If there is no reason to copy the fog folder from where or how can I get fog now?
schnappi -
O.K. Was a hard job
but I finished installation of the fog-server. I`m not shure whether I answered all the questions correctly but hope I can fix it later if something was wrong. After fog-installation I installed the fog-service at a windows-client.
But the client only boots into windows
What can I do now?
Best regards
schnappi -
Boot to LAN or network boot. Choose option from menu to perform full host registration and inventory.
First boot order in bios is PXE but the client doesnt boot from network. When I had ubuntu 12.04 it did. What can I do now?
any error message when booting from LAN? Does your client get IP address from DHCP server?
No error message but it seems like client is searching a DHCP-Server and doesn`t find any. In what file can I set the IP-Adresse of the DHCP-Server. and should I take the Fog-servers ip or my routers ip?
At the client I found a file with name
Here is the content:
19.9.2012 17:57 FOG::SnapinClient General Error Returned:
19.9.2012 17:57 FOG::SnapinClient #!er: Host not found!
19.9.2012 17:57 FOG::ClientUpdater Attempting to connect to fog server…
19.9.2012 17:57 FOG::ClientUpdater Unknown error, module will exit.
19.9.2012 17:57 FOG::ClientUpdater Client update will be applied during next service startup.
19.9.2012 17:57 FOG::ClientUpdater Client update process complete, exiting…
19.9.2012 18:01 FOG::TaskReboot Attempting to connect to fog server…
19.9.2012 18:01 FOG::TaskReboot General Error Returned:
19.9.2012 18:01 FOG::TaskReboot #!er: Host not found!
19.9.2012 18:01 FOG::TaskReboot No task found for client.
19.9.2012 18:02 FOG::SnapinClient Attempting to connect to fog server…
19.9.2012 18:02 FOG::SnapinClient General Error Returned:
19.9.2012 18:02 FOG::SnapinClient #!er: Host not found!
19.9.2012 18:07 FOG::SnapinClient Attempting to connect to fog server…
19.9.2012 18:07 FOG::SnapinClient General Error Returned:
19.9.2012 18:07 FOG::SnapinClient #!er: Host not found! -
Only one device should be serving DHCP. Either FOG or your router, but not both. Pick one and disable DHCP on the other.