Working Tree
As we have a week and a half of school left, I will move to this in production (server + 1 node) and keep you posted, thanks Tom
For those interested.
Quickest method to install working:
git clone /opt/fogproject cd /opt/fogproject git checkout working git pull cd bin ./ -y
If you need to switch branches to dev-branch (currently same as master)
cd /opt/fogproject git checkout dev-branch git pull cd bin ./
If you need to switch branches to master
cd /opt/fogproject git checkout master git pull cd bin ./
Just updated from 1.4.4, Reporting doesn’t work for me, when I select any of the reports the page errors out and says unable to handle this request
As I work under VMWare, i’ll make a snapshot of my server and run the update.
I missed bothering Thomas for bugs. -
@falko Anything in your apache error logs?
Please also, as an assurance the new files are in place as/where appropriate:
mv /var/www/fog{,_orig} mv /var/www/html/fog{,_orig}
Then run the installer. While it shouldn’t pose a problem by itself, this should ensure a clean GUI state rather than a potential miss-match of files from the original file layout.
Found an issue with displays not showing anything on the pages thanks to @jmeyer and @THEMCV .
This was specific to Plugins tying in with the API backend. This has now been corrected for and all should work with or without plugins again. Thankfully the “blank” wasn’t lost data, just mis-representation of how to create the displayed data.
@Tom-Elliott Always happy to help.
@falko You must have a lot of data.
Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted
Can you update from 128 to say 512 and see if it helps?
@Tom-Elliott same issue, loading host list or running INventry report seems to lock up the server for a few minutes.
In terms of hosts I have less then 600 to report on
This morning I was in a hurry for a report so had to roll back the VM snapshot.
@Tom-Elliott I have make a look at GUI this morning and I didn’t see anything blocking me. I would like to say that it looks functional for an average use.
- The view in “Hosts and Users Login” with 50 users in a column is a bit hard to read.
- “User tracking - Search” give blank page.
- The view in “Hosts and Users Login” with 50 users in a column is a bit hard to read.