Multicasting issue
- FOG Version: 1.3.5
- OS: centOS7
- Service Version: 6067
- OS: Win 10
Estimated FOG Sites: 4758
Latest Version: 1.3.5
Latest Development Version: 1.4.0-RC-4
Latest SVN Version: 6067I am having an issue when trying to multicast laptops. I am testing multicast with 3 laptops and they only get as far as the partclone page. I look at the logs and it appears that everything is running just fine. When i look over the active tasks, i see the multicast running but just see it as a queued state.
One thing i find bizarre is that when i look at my images, the image i have is 0.00iB.
Here is the multicast log:
[04-10-17 12:01:36 pm]
/\ \ /\ \ /\ \
/::\ \ /::\ \ /::\ \
/:/:\ \ /:/:\ \ /:/:\ \
/::-:\ \ /:/\ /:/
/:/:\ :_\ /:/__/ :_\ /://:_
\ /:/ /
/\ //
:_\/:/ /
// :/:/ / :/:/ /
::/ / ::/ /
// /__/#########################################
Free Computer Imaging Solution
GNU GPL Version 3
[04-10-17 12:01:37 pm] Interface Ready with IP Address:
[04-10-17 12:01:37 pm] Interface Ready with IP Address: x.x.x.x
[04-10-17 12:01:37 pm] Interface Ready with IP Address:
[04-10-17 12:01:37 pm] Interface Ready with IP Address: fogserver
[04-10-17 12:01:37 pm] * Starting MulticastManager Service
[04-10-17 12:01:37 pm] * Checking for new items every 10 seconds
[04-10-17 12:01:37 pm] * Starting service loop
[04-10-17 12:01:37 pm] * No tasks found!
[04-10-17 12:01:47 pm] * No tasks found!
[04-10-17 12:01:57 pm] * No tasks found!
[04-10-17 12:02:07 pm] * No tasks found!
[04-10-17 12:02:17 pm] * No tasks found!
[04-10-17 1:01:02 pm] * No tasks found!
[04-10-17 1:01:12 pm] * No tasks found!
[04-10-17 1:01:22 pm] * No tasks found!
[04-10-17 1:01:32 pm] * No tasks found!
[04-10-17 1:01:42 pm] * No tasks found!
[04-10-17 1:01:52 pm] * No tasks found!
[04-10-17 1:02:02 pm] * No tasks found!
[04-10-17 1:02:12 pm] * No tasks found!
[04-10-17 1:02:22 pm] * No tasks found!
[04-10-17 1:02:32 pm] * No tasks found!
[04-10-17 1:02:42 pm] * No tasks found!
[04-10-17 1:02:52 pm] * No tasks found!
[04-10-17 1:03:02 pm] * No tasks found!
[04-10-17 1:03:12 pm] * No tasks found!
[04-10-17 1:03:22 pm] * No tasks found!
[04-10-17 1:03:32 pm] * No tasks found!
[04-10-17 1:03:42 pm] | Task (1) hs is new!
[04-10-17 1:03:42 pm] | Task (1) hs has been cleaned.
[04-10-17 1:03:42 pm] | Task (1) /images/HSImage image file found.
[04-10-17 1:03:42 pm] | Task (1) hs 3 clients found.
[04-10-17 1:03:42 pm] | Task (1) hs sending on base port: 63100.
[04-10-17 1:03:43 pm] | Command: /usr/local/sbin/udp-sender --interface ens32 --min-receivers 3 --max-wait 600 --portbase 63100 --full-duplex --ttl 32 --nokbd --nopointopoint --file /images/HSImage/d1p1.img;/usr/local/sbin/udp-sender --interface ens32 --min-receivers 3 --max-wait 10 --portbase 63100 --full-duplex --ttl 32 --nokbd --nopointopoint --file /images/HSImage/d1p2.img;
[04-10-17 1:03:43 pm] | Task (1) hs has started!
[04-10-17 1:03:53 pm] | Task (1) hs is already running with pid: 12623.
[04-10-17 1:04:03 pm] | Task (1) hs is already running with pid: 12623.
[04-10-17 1:04:13 pm] | Task (1) hs is already running with pid: 12623. -
The “size” you’re seeing reset to 0.00ib is relative to the imaging process. It automatically updates as the image is being passed, whether capture or deploy. 0.00ib is just it unable to get any information, as your situation describes.
What I might recommend is trying the “Multicast Rendevous” setting to point both the server and client machines WHERE to look to get their data. Typically, this is a multicast address, but can be any address. Most often people set this to the IP of the FOG Server. This setting is found in FOG Management Page->FOG Settings->Multicast Settings. Try setting this to the IP of your fogserver and restart the server’s FOG Multicast Manager service with
sudo service FOGMulticastManager restart
. YOu will also likely need to restart your client machines. I don’t know if this will fix the issue for you, but it’s a place to start. -
Thanks for you response. Unfortunately no luck with modifying that setting and trying to get my test group to go. Am i supposed to see a please wait screen once you join a multicast session or should it just go straight to the partclone page?
Here is a status of the FOGMulticastManager service:
● FOGMulticastManager.service - FOGMulticastManager
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/FOGMulticastManager.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2017-04-10 14:54:04 EDT; 18h ago
Main PID: 7920 (FOGMulticastMan)
CGroup: /system.slice/FOGMulticastManager.service
├─ 7920 /usr/bin/php -q /opt/fog/service/FOGMulticastManager/FOGMulticastManager &
├─ 7929 /usr/bin/php -q /opt/fog/service/FOGMulticastManager/FOGMulticastManager &
├─17899 sh -c /usr/local/sbin/udp-sender --interface ens32 --min-receivers 2 --max-wait 600 --mcast-rdv-address --portbase 52146 --full-duplex --ttl 32 --nokbd --nopointopoint --file /images/HSImage/d1p1.img;/usr/local/sbin/udp-sender --interface ens32 --min-receivers 2 --max-wait 10 --mcast-rdv-address --portbase 52146 --full-duplex --ttl 32 --nokbd --nopointopoint --file /images/HSImage/d1p2.img;
└─19809 /usr/local/sbin/udp-sender --interface ens32 --min-receivers 2 --max-wait 10 --mcast-rdv-address --portbase 52146 --full-duplex --ttl 32 --nokbd --nopointopoint --file /images/HSImage/d1p2.imgApr 10 14:54:04 fogserver systemd[1]: Started FOGMulticastManager.
Apr 10 14:54:04 fogserver systemd[1]: Starting FOGMulticastManager…
Apr 11 07:46:59 fogserver udpcast[17901]: New connection from (#0)
Apr 11 07:46:59 fogserver udpcast[17901]: first connection: min wait[0] secs - max wait[600] - min clients[2]
Apr 11 07:47:29 fogserver udpcast[17901]: New connection from (#1)
Apr 11 07:47:31 fogserver udpcast[17901]: min receivers[2] reached: starting
Apr 11 07:47:31 fogserver udpcast[17901]: Starting transfer: file[/images/HSImage/d1p1.img] pipe[] port[52146] if[ens32] participants[2]So it does appear to be seeing the clients. Does it make a difference that the interface is ens32 instead of eth0? In the multicast settings the FOG_UDPCAST_INTERFACE is set to ens32.
@thanson Interface is determined by the IP associated with the Storage node.