Thanks for you response. Unfortunately no luck with modifying that setting and trying to get my test group to go. Am i supposed to see a please wait screen once you join a multicast session or should it just go straight to the partclone page?
Here is a status of the FOGMulticastManager service:
● FOGMulticastManager.service - FOGMulticastManager
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/FOGMulticastManager.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2017-04-10 14:54:04 EDT; 18h ago
Main PID: 7920 (FOGMulticastMan)
CGroup: /system.slice/FOGMulticastManager.service
├─ 7920 /usr/bin/php -q /opt/fog/service/FOGMulticastManager/FOGMulticastManager &
├─ 7929 /usr/bin/php -q /opt/fog/service/FOGMulticastManager/FOGMulticastManager &
├─17899 sh -c /usr/local/sbin/udp-sender --interface ens32 --min-receivers 2 --max-wait 600 --mcast-rdv-address --portbase 52146 --full-duplex --ttl 32 --nokbd --nopointopoint --file /images/HSImage/d1p1.img;/usr/local/sbin/udp-sender --interface ens32 --min-receivers 2 --max-wait 10 --mcast-rdv-address --portbase 52146 --full-duplex --ttl 32 --nokbd --nopointopoint --file /images/HSImage/d1p2.img;
└─19809 /usr/local/sbin/udp-sender --interface ens32 --min-receivers 2 --max-wait 10 --mcast-rdv-address --portbase 52146 --full-duplex --ttl 32 --nokbd --nopointopoint --file /images/HSImage/d1p2.img
Apr 10 14:54:04 fogserver systemd[1]: Started FOGMulticastManager.
Apr 10 14:54:04 fogserver systemd[1]: Starting FOGMulticastManager…
Apr 11 07:46:59 fogserver udpcast[17901]: New connection from (#0)
Apr 11 07:46:59 fogserver udpcast[17901]: first connection: min wait[0] secs - max wait[600] - min clients[2]
Apr 11 07:47:29 fogserver udpcast[17901]: New connection from (#1)
Apr 11 07:47:31 fogserver udpcast[17901]: min receivers[2] reached: starting
Apr 11 07:47:31 fogserver udpcast[17901]: Starting transfer: file[/images/HSImage/d1p1.img] pipe[] port[52146] if[ens32] participants[2]
So it does appear to be seeing the clients. Does it make a difference that the interface is ens32 instead of eth0? In the multicast settings the FOG_UDPCAST_INTERFACE is set to ens32.