Transferring all images & all host info from (1.2.0) to (1.2.0)
What do you glean from this pic?
@dcorpening That there are two fog accounts. I’d truncate the table and then insert a single fresh one using the previously mentioned command in the wiki. The password for it as the wiki states is
. And this is for the web interface - just to clairify. -
Notice here that I truncate the table, verify with SELECT, and try to create the fog user with INSERT. Same results with 1 warning and not being able to log in. I hope this issue is not becoming a pain to you; however, it is certainly painful on my end after several reinstalls and many hours researching this. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Hopefully this fiasco will be a big help to others in the end once we find a fix.
@dcorpening I see what’s happening.
Please run in mysql:
UPDATE `users` SET `uPass`=MD5('password') where `uName`='fog';
The blowfish store was only added in 1.3.x series. As you’re running on 1.2.0 to 1.2.0, the password field is stored in md5.
@Tom-Elliott It worked! I can now log in. Thank you SO MUCH! I notice that no hosts, tftp/storage passwords, etc. are listed; Even though I’ve manually imported the fogdb.sql from the old server using “…mysql < fogdb.sql” : (Which is why I could log into the WebUI). Whether the import is done manually or via the WebUI, it seems that nothing is getting imported. The images are transferring now. So I think getting the fogdb.sql properly imported should be the last hurdle in setting up this new server. Please advise.
@dcorpening Try importing the sql file from the GUI? (FOG Configuration Page->FOG Settings->Configuration Save->Import) You will have to download the db file you need to the system so you can import it.
@Tom-Elliott Correct. I’ve copied the fogdb.sql from the old server to the new one. Then I import via (FOG Configuration Page->FOG Settings->Configuration Save->Import). It says successfully completed, but nothing gets imported. The fogdb.sql is not empty; it seems full of the correct info. So I followed the instructions to manually import it and got the same results: Nothing gets imported even though no errors are returned.
Trying to hit you on chat.
@Tom-Elliott Thanks for all of your help! Can you reply to this thread with how we (you) fixed this issue? I think it may be very helpful to anyone having this or a similar issue. Again, thanks much!!
For future readers:
The older export system (1.2.0 and earlier back to 1.0.0 when it was introduced) didn’t take into account the tables existing. The way this would typically work, though, would be to simply clear out all of the tables in the fog database and apply what was being passed in.
For whatever reason, the exported backup file was not dropping the fog database when the import was being kicked off.
The fix, as we already had the original exported db, was to drop the fog database, recreate it, and let the sql file import the rest back in.
We did this via command line just to ensure all was well.
mysql -u root fog < fogdb.sql
@Tom-Elliott said in Transferring all images & all host info from (1.2.0) to (1.2.0):
The older export system (1.2.0 and earlier back to 1.0.0 when it was introduced) didn’t take into account the tables existing.
@Moderators important tid-bit of info there.