Upgrading from Fog 1.2.0 to 1.3.0
apt-get clean
then rerun installer -
@Tom-Elliott Linux must hate me or something, getting the same error as the picture with apt-get clean
@sjensen is the original installer still running
@Tom-Elliott Did a sudo apt-get clean, that worked and tried the install again with sudo, no go. same error
@sjensen run sudo rm filesayinglocked then the apt-get clean again
@sjensen I just tried restarting then rerunning the install, same error. Sorry to be such a pain in the butt.
@Tom-Elliott sorry same error. here what I ran.
@sjensen run
sudo -i
then run all the commands -
@Tom-Elliott That worked so far so good on the update. Will i have to set fog up again??? Or will everything I configured come back?
@sjensen upgrade will upgrade no loss of anything. I’d also recommend using the -y argument with the installfog.sh call.
IE you can install it with:
./installfog.sh -y
@Tom-Elliott OK i got real problems. the last time i looked at my fog servers screen it was looking at all the passwords for the system during the fig install. now I cannot access my fog server the ubuntu password for my user fog has been changed.
@sjensen trying to hit you in chat
I feel like we should put in great big red letters to not use the FOG account to administrate your FOG server lol.
@Quazz Sometimes, yes.
I was able to help fix the issue though. I don’t know if things are up and running now (and the OP is out for holiday’s).
I remoted in and after the first (mostly successful) it changed the ‘fog’ user’s password. to what was unexpected.
They logged into the server as a guest and I was able to read the /opt/fog/.fogsettings file. We pulled out the new password, and reset it to what they were expected. I updated the fogsettings file and had them re-run the installer.
@Tom-Elliott Tom after you helped me with the upgrade to 1.3.0 i cannot access the home webpage for my fog server. I keep getting the apache default page.
@sjensen Try
sudo rm -rf /var/www/html/fog && sudo rm -rf /var/www/fog
Then rerun the installer with
./installfog.sh -y
Also, this thread has gone off topic. The original problem is solved. We prefer a new thread for each new problem.
@Quazz permission denied on all. even with sudo
Then as Wayne said, make a new thread for it, sounds like your install is… special. Sudo being denied permission is silly.