Multicast issue
I have been trying to make multicast working fine for a while now, but i still get “Please wait…” forever on every screen. I tried to follow what has been told on the fog wiki about troubleshooting multicast ([url][/url]), and everything worked fine, but multicast deployment still does not work when I start it using fog management page.
I edited /var/www/fog/commons/config.php and /opt/fog/service/etc/config.php so that my password is the good one for both file.
Here is what I already noticed that seems weird for my non_fog_expert eyes :
- I have no multicast.log file and no file at all under /opt/fog/log/
- When I start a multicast task, “ps aux | grep images” and “ps aux | grep udp” returns nothing
- I installed phpmyadmin, and there is no “fog” user in my users tab
Any help would be welcome
Get the service config file [CODE]cat /opt/fog/service/common/etc/config.php[/CODE] and do [CODE]service FOGMulticastManager status[/CODE] to make sure the manager is actually running.
There is no /opt/fog/service/common/etc/config.php file, I supposed you meant /opt/fog/service/etc/config.php
service FOGMulticastManager status does not work, only start|stop|restart, start fail at first, but stop work, then start work, and still no multicast working
I forgot something else in the “What I have already done list” : ip igmp on all my HP switches, and no router between FOG server and any of my clients.
update after some more tests: ps aux | grep udp returns something when I run “gunzip -c “/images/anyimagename” | /usr/local/sbin/udp-sender --min-receivers 2 --portbase 9000 --interface myInterface --half-duplex” manually from command line then connect with debug mode 2 clients, but still nothing when I start a new multicast task from fog management webpage.