TFTP not working. Timeout
- FOG Version: 1.3.0-RC-16
- OS: Centos 7
- Service Version:
- OS: Windows
when i test to connect to tftp i get a timeout:
C:\Users\Rene>tftp -i get undionly.kpxe
Timeout occurred
Connect request failedDHCP is done by router but for this the DHCP is not needed so not the problem.
i tryed everything on the web i could find but notthing seems to help.
dit clean install centos 7 and then the fog install.when i disable firewall still same problem.
Windows firewall would also cause that command to fail. This is talked about in our Troubleshoot TFTP wiki article.
ok lets start out with the basics since you are trying to tftp directly.
Ensure the centos firewall is disabled per the install instructions as well as selinux is disabled (if it was selinux you would have more troubles by now).
service firewalld stop
Also. please validate if selinux is in permissive or disabled mode.
You can verify by running:
If you notice it says enforcing still, run:
setenforce 0
Edit the /etc/config/selinux and change the “target=enforcing” to read as “target=permissive”
Save the file and and reboot for the changes to take effect.
Windows firewall would also cause that command to fail. This is talked about in our Troubleshoot TFTP wiki article.
Thanks, did update of fog and disable windows firewall and working now.
witch poort or something must be open in the windows firewall? -
@ReneWerk I’m failing to see how windows comes into play here?
Well, depending on your windows firewall default settings, all outbound connections should be allowed by default.But the part that is troubling me a bit is the OP was attempting to test if tftp is working for some reason (maybe because pxe booting is not working at all??). The OP is using a router for dhcp according to his first post. Depending on the router he may not be able to set dhcp options 66 and 67 in the router, which means that dnsmasq might be needed in this setup to supply the missing dhcp values to get this kit working as needed.
TFTP working now
Thank you all!!
great support here!!Windows DHCP server configured
Installed the new Fog
and for connecting tftp from windows 10 tot test the firewall of windows was blokking it so thats way it failed. my windows firewall is standard. so standard it blocks using tftp like: C:\Users\Rene>tftp -i get undionly.kpxehope it is no problem for managing windows 10 computers bij remote with the fog client.
@george1421 No idea. But the default settings for Win7 and Win10 don’t let tftp commands work. It took me a long time to figure that out, because I was thinking exactly as you were, that all outbound was allowed. There must be more to it that causes the issue - and I don’t have any desire or need to figure out why lol. Incredibly rarely do I myself need to test tftp from windows… because I always just use Linux now.