Centos 7 Fog Setup with 2 network cards, Public / Private
The main reason was to have the imaging side isolated because of the DHCP server running on the main network I wanted to avoid any potential conflicts.
The first Ethernet card connected to main network;
( This network has gateway and DNS setup the router handles DHCP I have manually set it as a static I,P this card is for server to get to outside world)The second card is isolated for imaging connected to a separate switch.
No Gateway
Firstly are these networking details ok?
Go easy on me lads as this is all new to me
during the initial fog setup it asks for a default network card to use? am I right in saying it would be the first Ethernet card?
Secondly it is asking me whether to use DHCP and which device to use this part is giving me a headache I assume I set it to the second network card?
Again thank you
@ally_uk Your network settings look correct based on what we know so far.
As for your default network card, you want to select the one for your imaging network. You want the imaging servers (dhcp especially) to bind to the imaging LAN interface and not to your business LAN (which would be a bad thing).
Please tell me if any of this information is wrong. I have put a # next to items I am unsure of
#Server I.P Address:
Server S/M
#Interface enp3s9 ( Second network card has different i.p from server i.p addy)
Installation type: normal server
Image storage location /images
Using Fog DHCP: yes
#DHCP Router address:Again many thanks for holding my hand I will document everything once it is working lol
@ally_uk As far as FOG goes, ignore that you have a business LAN nic installed in this computer. It (fog) only needs to know about interfaces it must use. So for server IP it would be the nic address on the imaging LAN.
As for dhcp router address, that should be blank because there is no path data out of your isolated imaging LAN.
Thank you my man
I am getting a warning after the mysql update that says there is no dns / dhcp address is this ok to proceed?
@ally_uk Is this the first time you’ve got this far with the installer?
I can’t say for sure, I don’t remember the exact steps the installer uses on a fresh install. As long as you told the installer you wanted to have fog manage the dhcp server we can get you to where you need. The key is getting the isc-dhcp installed.
@ally_uk Knowing what we know now, you may want to review Wayne’s post https://forums.fogproject.org/topic/8861/centos-7-fog-setup-with-2-network-cards-public-private/3 because it pretty much covered what we are talking about now.
I will fire up the machine and report progress tommorow.
Regarding DHCP I assumed FOG would automatically setup a range and automatically configure the DHCP side of things.
The installation guide I have been following on the wiki had no mention of how to configure DHCP.
Ahwell least I am learning loads
I need a Centos7 DHCP tutorial now lol
Thank you guys
@ally_uk said in Centos 7 Fog Setup with 2 network cards, Public / Private:
I need a Centos7 DHCP tutorial now lol
The configuration file on all linux distributions is setup exactly the same. The only variation is the commands to install, start, and enable.
I didn’t include DHCP instructions in the CentOS 7 wiki article because no one-size fits all, and I figured people either have a pre-existing DHCP server they want to use, or they want FOG to do it all and in which case they just answer “yes” to DHCP during the fog installer and the installer does take care of it.
You can’t do that though because you have two NICs.
You need a custom configuration, and you cannot let FOG manage it - because it’ll mess it up, because it’s written under the assumption of one Network Interface being used, and every time you run the installer with FOG managing DHCP, it’ll write-over the custom configuration unless you just totally disable FOG touching DHCP.
There’s no way around this, not at all. You must manually edit or create a DHCP configuration - and it’s not all that tough, and all the instructions are already written in my first post in this thread.
Many Thanks for the guidance I really do appreciate it because of yourself and others on this fantastic forum I have learned alot.
I haven’t had a chance today to play with the FOG stuff. However hopefully I can look at the DHCP configuration side of things tommorow.
I will report back my progress and any problems.
Many Thanks