When restoring image - Disk not found
I created an image for an HP ProDesk 600 G2 and uploaded to the system. In short for the image I entered sysprep installed windows updates and the software we needed on it then selected “Generalize” and shut it down. Then captured the image using FOG defaults (see below)
When trying to restore the image on a ProBook 650 G1 I get disk not found. I was hoping that the image would be compatible but knew it may not totally work. But dont understand why I would get that the disk is not found. The disk checks/tests good so I know it is not that. I am going to try anouther PC but noticed others having the issue before as well so wanted to see if you had any thoughts on this.
Images Windows 7 Base Image
Last Captured 2016-10-10 19:15:22
Deploy Method Partclone
Image Type
ImageType ID: 1 Name: Single Disk - Resizable
Primary Storage Group default -
The first thing to try is deploy the image to the same-model of original hardware that it was captured from and see if it works. We will go from there.
My initial reaction is that you don’t have the sata driver for the P 650 G1 in your reference image.
Second reaction is what type of disk is in the 650 G1 (is it a NVMe type disk)? If so you will need to include the OS kbs that add support to NVMe disks. This is outside of what hardware drivers are needed for that model.