Issues after upgrading to 16.04
@Tom I’m thinking that since the install didnt finish, the settings file will not be created. Am I right @Wayne-Workman @Tom-Elliott
My fogsettings. Under packages its shows php5.
Start of FOG Settings
## Created by the FOG Installer ## Version: 6177 ## Install time: Wed 03 Feb 2016 08:16:39 AM CST ipaddress='' interface='p4p1' submask='' routeraddress='# No router address added' plainrouter='' dnsaddress='# No dns added' dnsbootimage='' password='R7xAlawPeDRCx6NVVnANGqytkDri/MCywCJpbsIQRNg=' osid='2' osname='Debian' dodhcp='y' bldhcp='1' blexports='1' installtype='N' snmysqluser='' snmysqlpass='' snmysqlhost='' installlang='0' donate='0' storageLocation='/images' fogupdateloaded=1 storageftpuser='fog' storageftppass='R7xAlawPeDRCx6NVVnANGqytkDri/MCywCJpbsIQRNg=' docroot='/var/www/html/' webroot='fog/' caCreated='yes' startrange='' endrange='' bootfilename='undionly.kpxe' packages='apache2 php5 php5-json php5-gd php5-cli php5-curl mysql-server mysql-client isc-dhcp-server tftpd-hpa tftp-hpa nfs-kernel-server vsftpd net-tools wget xinetd sysv-rc-conf tar gzip build-essential cpp gcc g++ m4 htmldoc lftp openssh-server php-gettext php5-mcrypt php5-mysqlnd curl libc6 libcurl3 zlib1g php5-fpm libapache2-mod-php5' noTftpBuild='' notpxedefaultfile='' ## End of FOG Settings
@Quazz Thank you, here are the results:
how can I change it? -
@EAHarvey I recommend commenting that line out (put a # in front of it).
You’ll probably have to remove all currently installed php and apache thingies though.
Something like
sudo apt purge php* sudo apt purge apache* rm -rf '/etc/apache*' '/etc/php*'
Then, the installer should install the correct version for ubuntu 16.04, but if you want to play it safe, you can do
php_ver='7.0' php_verAdds='-7.0' ./ -y
@Tom Open the file with a text-editor, such as nano
nano /opt/fog/.fogsettings
Change 5 and 5.6 to 7.0 and save.
@Quazz Followed instructions, yet the fog installer insist on installing php5.
@Quazz I have all the PHP5 stuff remarked out and it skips the installs as it should and install php7. Now I am crashing at Stopping web Service…Failed!!
Still looking for that fix.
I love this stuff!!!:-) Frustrating and interesting at the same time!!
@EAHarvey Most likely some odd one out php thingy got missed when we tried to manually remove them earlier.
Check the error logs of the FOG installer (near the bottom) to find out which one.
@Quazz Failed to stop php7.0-fpm.service: Unit php7.0-fpm.service not loaded.
Looking for fix now.
@Quazz commenting the packages line would also be needed
@Quazz Yes
Ok, deleted the values for php_ver (5) and php_verAdds(-5.6) in fodsettings and saved.
Ran php_ver=‘7.0’ php_verAdds=‘-7.0’ ./ -y
installation stopped at this:
I hope it helps.
@Tom As Tom Eliott has stated, you also need to comment out the packages = " line in your /opt/fog/.fogsettings file (simply put a # in front of packages)
Because the installer ran previously, it compiled a list of packages to install based on the setting of the time and saved in the .fogsettings file for speed reasons.
@Quazz Thanks, I put # in front of php_ver and php_verAdds.
Ran “php_ver=‘7.0’ php_verAdds=’-7.0’ ./ -y” and the installation stopped at the same spot.Should I have commented something else?
@Tom Yes, you have to comment the packages=“list of packages here” line
After that you have to remove the old php stuff from your system again.
sudo apt purge php* sudo apt purge apache* rm -rf '/etc/apache*' '/etc/php*'
@Quazz Thank you, it seems that php7 was installed successfully and the values in fogsettings has been changed.
Tried to access the console, and I got:
So, I uncommented the lines and ran the installer again.
Yet, I get the same screen. -
sudo apt purge php*
sudo apt purge apache*
sudo apt-get autoremove
rm -rf ‘/etc/apache*’ ‘/etc/php*’Along with the #out of the Packages line in the fogsettings file, worked for me. I am up and running and testing an image push right now. YAY!