FOG Log Viewer for nodes giving error
Here is what I found:
Ok so they show up and I can get the Disk Usage for each one but when i click on a node i get :
All IP’s are correct again after checking, passwords are all good after checking again.Finally in the Log Viewer I get this for a Storage Group Master node.
@Stilty It looks like most of your nodes are running a way-old version of fog. They just need updated and everything will work.
You have to keep the nodes on the same version as the main, or bad stuff happens.
@Wayne-Workman They are all on the same version, it just takes a while to update that list.
@Stilty I’d say confirm each one. if you click on them in that little drop down list, it should populate.
@Wayne-Workman It does populate. I just cant get the logs to work or the replication.
@Stilty So where in the log viewer are you seeing the error? What part?
Does anyone have any ideas how to correct this “IP passed is incorrect” and how that relates to the storage nodes not replicating?
@Stilty Does this happen for every log?
Just a guess, Your fog server is of Debian sorts (Ubuntu/Debian/etc…)?
@Tom-Elliott yes it is, Ubuntu 14.04.
@Stilty When you ran the installers, did you do so with being root? If you were root, how (exactly) did you become root?
@Tom-Elliott I’m seeing this message on Storage Nodes at work - I can assure you I run everything as root. Here’s my thread where this error shows up, if it helps at all: - an earlier picture posted by the OP makes me think if this isn’t EXACTLY the same issue I had in that above thread. Because some of his nodes were not reporting their version or interface names - exactly as my issue is.