AD Add Question
@Joe-Gill did the individual tasks completed?
@Tom-Elliott I do not know if the original task did not complete or not on the server but each host did ON the individual machine.
So to update you on this… I have a new batch of hosts that each completed ON the machine but the task manager shows them still running.
Also Tom, I’ve left it still running. If you want to remote in and take a peek, PM me and we can set that up.
@Joe-Gill What I mean.
Multicast task is completely different from the “Active Tasks”.
Active Tasks are how hosts know what to do. Multicast is how the FOGMulticastManager service knows what to do.
As long as all the hosts completed their Individualized tasks, the FOGMulticastManager would be able to detect and complete appropriately. Sometimes this may take a short bit AFTER the hosts are all done. So long as all the hosts don’t keep rebooting into them, you will be good to go.
@Tom-Elliott - Gotcha! I’ll check it out!
Thanks for educating me.
This is very strange! The hosts are in a reboot loop and the task is not clearing out of the “Active Tasks” list. Don’t know what’s going on. This image has not changed a bit. All the other hosts I’ve done so far today have gone fine.
Any ideas?
All of the hardware is identical the same. It appears that the service is logging the host off and rebooting as if it were to add it to the AD, but that never happens. I watched it reboot 4 times and I’m sure it has done many more.
I guess the only thing that is different is that I added two snappins to this batch. But everything else is constant.
what is your FOGMulticastManager sleep time set to? I think the default is 10 seconds.
@Wayne-Workman Just want to say, I found an issue with sleeptimes. I don’t know how it went unnoticed, but this will be addressed for RC-5.
Maybe this is just due to there being a “default” time set if the first can’t be found, but it would also lead to some really odd logging issues (like not displaying to the log itself).
I’ll be back at it again tomorrow as I am still way behind… I’m hoping to add about 20 new hosts and get them cloned tomorrow but we’ll see!
Once the other issue with the rolling reboot is cleared it seems to add to AD just fine.
@Tom-Elliott Leave it to me to help find some odd problem. LOL!
Thanks guys!!
Joe Gill
@Joe-Gill We need people to find odd problems. It’s good for the project.