mass-delete power management options!
So - this is really needed.
I created a power management task for 500 computers in my building to shutdown at 10. I used groups to do this.
Then, I thought… well, I had better undo that and test first (lol). And then, panic set in because there is no way to delete those 500 scheduled tasks except for visiting every single host through the web interface.
I’m going to have to do this in the back end via MySQL CLI.
We really need a way to delete power management tasks in mass!
I agree. There should be a delete all power management entries on the group power management screen.
@tmerrick A very simple “Delete all power management settings for this group” button would suffice.
Bumping this. Everybody will really need it. It’s critical, even.
Just throwing in my support for this feature too. @Tom-Elliott.
Added. There’s no indicator, sorry just to much like work for now. But I have tested it and it does work.