Schema/Installer Doesn't Ask For Update/Can't Upload Image
@RobTitian16 Hi, Installer always ask for DB update via Web GUI, but it’s not always necessary.
What’s the message when it tries to mount /dev/sda1?
@Tom-Elliott Failed to mount /dev/sda1
I’ll see if I can get a photo of it when it comes up so you can see the full thing. -
@RobTitian16 said:
I’ve attempted to update my FOG install to the latest version of Trunk as that normally fixes the issue, but when I do it doesn’t present me with the schema update page, but instead asks me to log-in.
Not every trunk update comes along with a new DB schema version.
Picture of the exact error is needed as we need to know where exactly things go wrong.
Here’s the picture as requested!
@RobTitian16 While this “Failed Mounting Partition” should not be a show stopper I am still wondering why FOG cannot test-mount and read your sda1 partition. Please give this a try: Schedule another upload task but select debug just before creating it in the web gui. Boot up the client and hit ENTER twice when asked to do so till you get to a linux shell. Run the following commands there and post a picture here:
mkdir -p /mnt ntfs-3g -o ro /dev/sda1 /mnt ls /mnt umount /mnt ntfs-3g -o rw /dev/sda1 /mnt ls /mnt umount /mnt ntfs-3g -o remove_hiberfile,rw /dev/sda1 /mnt ls /mnt umount /mnt
@Tom-Elliott Should we really
from the functionbeginUpload
if something goes wrong with mounting the NTFS partitions to find a BCD file (fog.upload line 103 and 89)? Let’s see why Rob’s partition cannot be mounted and then see what we can do about it. -
@Sebastian-Roth Morning gents,
This is what I get:
@Sebastian-Roth Doh… I think I’ve resolved it by turning off fast startup. I’m currently on ‘Resizing File System’, but that always takes a little bit of time. If it doesn’t go through, I’ll post back. Your suggestions lead me to this post, which gave me the answer:
Many thanks for your help
Is there a place on the wiki that mentions imaging windows 10? If not, it might be helpful for others in the future just so they know.
@RobTitian16 You are probably looking for this: Maybe we should even fail at this point when mounting the partition does not work. Otherwise sooner or later people will run into problems when partclone is trying to read the data off that NTFS partition.
@Sebastian-Roth Updated to fail in the case we can’t create the mount directory OR the partition cannot be mounted. Because I write the data to a log, I am also able to output the “reasoning” behind the failure too to try to help people hone in on the issue.