HP Pavillion and UEFI
@atarone If possible please take a picture with a mobile phone and post the exact error here. If a still image doesn’t tell the complete story we might ask to post a video, but lets start with a picture. A chain loading error is not very common.
Also since you tried a bunch of different iPXE kernels lets confirm what you have configured for dhcp option 67 {boot-flile}
@atarone As George said a picture would be good. But I guess it might be in the generated iPXE script. Please access the following URL from anywhere in your network and post the full output here: http://x.x.x.x/fog/service/ipxe/boot.php?mac=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (x.x.x.x is your FOG server IP and xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx the MAC address of the client you are trying to boot)…
Might I ask what OS you are running?
@george1421 I got the chainloading issue resolved. I came across another post on the forum. The only issue I have left to resolve is when FOG goes to take an image it will image the first two partitions fine but the actual OS partition will not image. I have attached the picture of the error I am getting now. It is continuing to say that Windows was not shut down properly but I have shut it down correctly and run chkdsk on it. Anyone have any Ideas?
@Quazz The OS is Windows 8.1
Thanks guys!
@atarone I was asking more about the FOG os for the chainloading thing, but since that’s solved…
Try disabling fastboot before you shut down windows in the power options. (although didn’t Tom fix this?)
This message appears to be the windows dirty bit is set on the partition.
I assume this is an image capture task that you are trying to do. On this win8 image are you trying to capture a sysprep’d image or just cloning a live windows image? We need to understand the current state of the image on the disk.
@george1421 Sorry for the delay its been a crazy week. This is a current image ant not sysprep’d. I have turned off the Fast Boot up stuff and I have run check disk twice.
@atarone I don’t know if ntfsfix is included in debug mode (guessing not), so assuming it’s not, boot up a linux distribution livecd, install ntfs-3g if it isn’t included yet and then try:
sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda4
And try again. If it still happens, then you can manually force the dirty bit to go away with
sudo ntfsfix -d /dev/sda4
It’s also possible that you simply have a checkdisk scheduled at some point.
You might also before doing all the above check the following registery key:
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\BootExecute
@Quazz ntfsfix is in the inits and debug.
@atarone I believe the answers you seek lay ahead… https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php?title=Windows_Dirty_Bit