Multicasting Issues
[quote=“MadX, post: 1345, member: 456”]
- … ad. infinitum …
And the previous messages??
- … ad. infinitum …
Everything starts up fine
That’s the strange part - other than a vesafb error - but that’s just graphics & has never interfered before …
and you can deploy the image using unicast?
Yep … works a charm … obviously when doing 40+ machines at a time - the speed slows to about 40MB / min. This is why we are trying to get multicasting working … Thanks for the replies so far
Obviously if you make unicast tasks, the kernel shouldn’t be the problem.
I use fog 0.30, probably fog .032 or your version works in the same way.
Life cycle of a multicast task (short version
[]You ask to the server to do a multicast tasks (in the web interface)
[]In the fog database:
[]tasks table: one registry per client. tasksType=C, taskState=0
[]MulticastSession: one registry. msSTate=0
[]MulticastSessionAssoc: this table links one MulticastSession with “M” client tasks. (1:M relation)
[]FOGMulticastManager service. This service makes a query, every 5 seconds, to know if there are new multicast tasks. (you can see the FOGMulticastManager log in /opt/fog/log/multicast.log). If the tasks is new:
[]Update the MulticastSession.msState=1
[]Create a udp-sender command (see the multicast.log). Create a multicast session in the server.
[]Send a WOL to the clients
[]The client is awake
[]The client connects with the PXE server
[]the client downloads the kernel
[]the client loads the kernel
[]the client downloads the init.gz file
[]the client loads the init.gz file
[]the client runs “fog” script. This script is in /bin
[]the script checks some parameters: OS, image file, …
[]The client update DB, via webservice, and tasks.taskState=1
[]the script mount the /images directory in the server
[]the script makes some thigs more
[]the script runs udp-receiver command
[]Blue screen “Please Wait”
[]All clients links with the multicast session. The download process begins.
[]The download process ends.
[]The client updates DB, via webservice, and tasks.taskState=2
[]FOGMulticastManager service updates the DB, and now multicastSession.msState=2
[]Multicast task ends
some questions:
[]Is FOGMulticastManager ON?
[]FOGMulticastManager log?
[]The udp-sender command, is running?
[*]When crashs the client?
[/LIST] -
The FOGMulticastManager is on - and logs every 10 seconds (Checking if I am the group Manager …)
(checked with ps aux |grep Multicast)
There is logging going on
The udp sender command is being executed (see the udp-sender gzip -d …)
The clients don’t ‘crash’ - they boot into their kernels and the stars appear.What I am planning on doing in the morning is connecting 5-6 clients on a dumb switch (ie: take vlan out the picture) We are currently running alcatel switches and all the clients are on the same switch - but are VLAN tagged. I will report the results
Okay, we have now set up the server and 3 clients in a controlled environment.
They all get their images - and boot into the FOG kernel.
The Screen gets to this point - ie: no “Please Wait” screen[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/0/44_IMG-20120217-00029.jpg?:”]IMG-20120217-00029.jpg[/url]
I have located where is the problem. When the client runs the fog script, this script call to a web service: mc_checkin.php
[CODE]fog: line 108else
echo -n " * Checking In…";
queueinfo=wget -q -O - "http://${web}service/mc_checkin.php?mac=$mac" 2>/dev/null
echo “Done”;
while [ “$queueinfo” != “##” ]
echo -n " * $queueinfo ";
queueinfo=wget -q -O - "http://${web}service/mc_checkin.php?mac=$mac" 2>/dev/null
sleep 5;
In the line 110 calls to the web service:
[I]queueinfo=wget -q -O - "[url]http://${web}service/mc_checkin.php?mac=$mac[/url]" 2>/dev/null
Print “Done” in the screen, but queueinfo variable is empty. This is the problem.The mc_checkin.php web service doesn’t work fine. Put checkpoints in the code using “echo” to see where is the problem.
The mc_checkin.php is in /var/www/fog/service directory -
I have the same problem. MadX, did you get resolution from Fernando’s posts?
Please, Todd, paste your mc_checkin.php code. I try to know where is the problem.
I found another post from another site…can’t find it now to save my life…but it suggested that you go to /etc/hosts and edit the IP
addresses from to whatever it was that you set as your IP address for the server. I changed them both and it worked like a charm. If I come across that post again I’ll add it in.