Ubuntu Trunk Checksum failed
The server does have connection as I’ve been using firefox to help troubleshoot through some of these issues. Unless you’re specifically talking about the FOG server not being able to access.
@reflexxion That’s EXACTLY what I’m talking about, and I think @george1421 is as well.
@Tom-Elliott : give me a few minues and I’ll get the info from the resolv.conf file
This is the entire content of the file
"# Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)
I also ran the command “wget --no-check-certificate https://fogproject.org/kernels/index.php”
with this output
interesting that the resolve.conf file points back to itself. I’ll assume you have the dns service running on this fog server.
Its strange that its able to resolve fogproject.org but not able to access the check sums. Where did you get the wget command from? Did tom pass it via chat?
Tom what is the url the installer’s requesting this checksum?
@george1421 I saw it on one of your previous posts for this on another os… some french guy
and no… this is not set up as a DNS server. I’ve set up many of these fog servers in the past and always use the same configs and steps… not sure why this one went wonky
@reflexxion Just looking what you posted and the resolve.conf is really wrong, unless you had a type-o the local host is and not
@george1421 I see that but, I’m not quite sure how that happened as I made no changes to those settings during install other than pointing it to my dhcp and dns server.
I’m going to run a CLEAN install of both OS and fog… may skip 1.2.0 and go straight to TRUNK and see what happens.
@reflexxion Why not just add to the /etc/resolv.conf file a real nameserver:.
Something like:
Then try pinging google.com
@Tom-Elliott I tried that as well still wouldn’t take… If it fails again during this install I’ll try that again.
@Tom-Elliott P.S. ping always worked and always resolved with those settings. It just will not get the inits and kernels.
Alright, after a clean install and NOTHING else accept hardcoding the NIC, I checked the resolve.conf file and it was defaulted to
I manually changed it to nameserver as suggested, verified ping still worked and then started the TRUNK install via svn
still fails at the same point “Getting checksum files for kernels and inits… Failed!”
After digging into the code I see the devs are using curl to get the checksums with
curl -ko "checksums" https://fogproject.org/inits/index.php
The above is a hacked version of what they are doing. What I would like you to do is the following
- From the fog server try to ping fogproject.org to ensure it responds with a proper internet address.
- Copy and paste in the above command, do this when you are in root’s home dir. The output of this command should be a file called checksum in root’s home dir (or current dir). If you look into that file there will be a digial fingerprint of the inits. What is in there isn’t important as long as it downloads and it has some content ending with the name of the file.
@george1421 Gentlemen, I’m actually done for the week, so I’ll try this first thing Monday morning when I get in and let you know. I appreciate all of the timely responses and advice.
@reflexxion It might be possible to install fog and tell it to continue in the event of a failure, and just download the kernels and inits later…
./installfog.sh -X
I think. And at the bottom of this article you’ll find the manual methods to download the very latest: https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php?title=Kernel_Update -
@Tom-Elliott the servers time and date are correct +/- 2 mins
10:55 am EST