Combining FOG servers?
I’ve been running two virtual FOG servers on two separate subnets (under WinServ2012R2) and have been very happy with it. But I’d prefer to run just one physical server with two NICs.
Is it possible?
If yes, how can I add the second NIC to the FOG server?
Are there any issues I need to consider? (I know I’ll have to choose one domain for my AD default.)
In theory it should work with a few exceptions.
- Multicasting will not work.
- FOG can’t be your dhcp server.
- Still thinking, but the first two for sure.
If you can get tftp to work across your router then there is no need for a second nic. Once iPXE gets loaded then there are little issues with deploying fog across subnets.
– may have to reconsider my plans
- Not a problem
The two subnets are configured so traffic is only one-way (staff on one, guests on the other; staff can get to guests, but not other way around). At present, the new FOG server can be pinged from each subnet, but only to the IP address which is in the same subnet.
@TRex This is a new question - I’m still thinking on it too. I’ll reply tonight or over the weekend. with thoughts.
@TRex The only thing I can come up with is allowing in your router specific protocols and ports between your students network and your FOG server. We do have a list of required ports that JBob put together.
While I said multicasting would not work, I should clarify that multicasting will only work on one interface of your consolidated FOG server.
Something else that comes to mind is to setup a storage node on one of your subnets. Then create a single firewall rule to allow your FOG Master server to communicate with the FOG storage node (but again now you have two servers). You will only be able to multicast where your FOG Master server is located.
@george1421 said:
We do have a list of required ports that JBob put together.
Those are in the forums, but I’ve added them to the Wiki a while back, here: I said multicasting would not work, I should clarify that multicasting will only work on one interface of your consolidated FOG server.
I’m thinking that if he maintains separate Storage Groups per interface, and make each one a master, it would work. images can be shared across storage groups. But all replication only happens from the original storage group to the others, and not the other way around.
I still don’t understand why the OP is even doing what he’s doing though. Albeit I’ve not given this thread hardly any thought.