Can't open multicast on clients (login issue)
By choosing the multicast option in the iPXE menu.It then gives me the login menu, I enter the credentials and it brings me back to main menu.
Also, when I check the status of FOG services they are all running twice, is that normal?
Main PID: 1949 (FOGMulticastMan) CGroup: /system.slice/FOGMulticastManager.service ├─1949 /usr/bin/php -q /opt/fog/service/FOGMulticastManager/FOGMulticastManager & └─1950 /usr/bin/php -q /opt/fog/service/FOGMulticastManager/FOGMulticastManager &
We need to image 300 laptops in little time so I’d like to get it to work, otherwise I’ll have to resert to unicast.
@Quazz Is there a multicast image task already running? If there is, how was it started?
Yes, there should be two processes. One that spawns the real process, and the real process itself.
@Tom-Elliott I removed any remnants as per the wiki troubleshooting guide.
I then added a new session through the WebGUI.
If you mean if there’s any client in the proces of multicasting right now then the answer should be no.
If I remove all sessions and try to launch it I see “No sessions to join” or something to that affect flashing up real quick.
@Quazz That’s why it’s not working.
There’s nothing for the clients to join.
You need to start a multicast task, either by using Groups->Basic Tasks->Multicast, or go to images and select the “multicast image” option and define the parameters.
If you go the group route, they clients should automatically start loading into fog when they reboot (no menu option to use).
If you go the multicast image route, you can associate the client by using the name you created during the task generation.
@Tom-Elliott Yes, I did create one (through the image menu), but the issue remains the same. It’s like it’s auto entering a blank entry for session name, which it cant’ find so throws me back to main menu.
@Quazz said:
@Tom-Elliott Yes, I did create one (through the image menu), but the issue remains the same. It’s like it’s auto entering a blank entry for session name, which it cant’ find so throws me back to main menu.
Tom is suggesting (and I agree) to use groups instead.
Make a group, then put the computers you want to multicast into that group. Then from the group, go to basic tasks and pick multicast.
@Wayne-Workman No not at all, just wanted to know exactly how i could replicate.
@Quazz I have replicated and fixed the problem. Please update and things should be better.
@Tom-Elliott Thanks for the quick help, I will be able to check this out tomorrow morning, I will report back asap.
@Tom-Elliott I just tested and now I see something along the lines of read sessnamehttp://(fogiphere)/fog/service/boot.php and then it throws me back to main menu.
@Quazz you’re still getting this or not? Did you update?
@Tom-Elliott I updated before testing again, yes, still this issue. Don’t know if it’s related but something similar happens with the debug options.